Competencias del perfil de egreso de la licenciatura en psicología a través de las prácticas pre profesionales dentro de la dirección de Gestión Humana de una empresa privada de telecomunicaciones
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente informe tiene como fin describir los logros de aprendizaje alcanzados en las
competencias profesionales diagnóstica, interviene y evalúa en el periodo de Prácticas Pre-
Profesionales llevado a cabo en una empresa privada de telecomunicación de Lima
Metropolitana. Es importante mencionar que las principales actividades desarrolladas se
encuentran dentro del Plan de Diversidad e Inclusión de la empresa. En consecuencia, durante
la experiencia de Prácticas Pre-Profesionales se ha profundizado en el tema de flexibilidad
laboral con enfoque de género. En base a ello, a través de un proceso de análisis de necesidades
en el cual se diseñó e implementó diferentes herramientas para el recojo de información se
identificó la necesidad de conciliar las exigencias laborales y de la maternidad/paternidad de
los/as trabajadores/as de la empresa. A partir de ello, se propusieron diferentes acciones, siendo
una de ellas el desarrollo de talleres. Asimismo, se implementó un proceso de evaluación con
el objetivo de identificar cómo se va desarrollando las acciones planteadas, las oportunidades
de mejora y los resultados alcanzados.
The purpose of this report is to describe the learning achievements achieved in diagnostic professional skills, intervene and evaluate in the period of Pre-Professional Practices carried out in a private telecommunications company in Metropolitan Lima. It is important to mention that the main activities carried out are within the company's Diversity and Inclusion Plan. Consequently, during the Pre-Professional Internship experience, the issue of labor flexibility with a gender focus has been deepened. Based on this, through a needs analysis process in which different tools for collecting information were designed and implemented, the need to reconcile the labor and maternity/paternity demands of the workers was identified. of the company. From this, different actions were proposed, one of them being the development of workshops. Likewise, an evaluation process was implemented with the aim of identifying how the actions proposed, the opportunities for improvement and the results achieved will be developed.
The purpose of this report is to describe the learning achievements achieved in diagnostic professional skills, intervene and evaluate in the period of Pre-Professional Practices carried out in a private telecommunications company in Metropolitan Lima. It is important to mention that the main activities carried out are within the company's Diversity and Inclusion Plan. Consequently, during the Pre-Professional Internship experience, the issue of labor flexibility with a gender focus has been deepened. Based on this, through a needs analysis process in which different tools for collecting information were designed and implemented, the need to reconcile the labor and maternity/paternity demands of the workers was identified. of the company. From this, different actions were proposed, one of them being the development of workshops. Likewise, an evaluation process was implemented with the aim of identifying how the actions proposed, the opportunities for improvement and the results achieved will be developed.
Psicología--Prácticas profesionales, Psicología--Formación profesional, Género--Aspectos psicológicos--Perú--Lima Metropolitana
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