Uso pedagógico de las TIC para la evaluación formativa en una modalidad de educación a distancia
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La labor docente en el contexto actual trasciende la labor pedagógica, ya que demanda el manejo y aprovechamiento de las tecnologías de información y comunicación en los procesos educativos que se desarrollan a distancia. En ese sentido, el presente estudio analiza el uso pedagógico de las TIC que hacen los docentes de nivel primario de una institución educativa pública de Lima Metropolitana en relación con la evaluación formativa en una modalidad de educación a distancia. La metodología de este estudio es de carácter cualitativo, se ubica en el nivel descriptivo y su método está basado en el estudio de caso con la finalidad de profundizar una situación particular que se evidencia en un centro educativo, para lo cual se ha planteado trabajar con seis informantes claves para este estudio. La fundamentación teórica se sustenta en las propuestas de las categorías relacionadas al uso pedagógico de las TIC para la evaluación formativa, así como el desarrollo de la evaluación formativa en la educación a distancia. Asimismo, se propone el diseño de instrumentos que analicen las opiniones brindadas por los docentes informantes, así como el contraste respectivo a partir de las observaciones de clases realizadas. Los resultados obtenidos evidencian que los docentes están capacitados para manejar las TIC; sin embargo, esto no asegura su integración en el desarrollo de la evaluación formativa. En conclusión, se plantea que los docentes preparados, que conocen herramientas tecnológicas y saben cómo integrarlas en la enseñanza, generan una mayor posibilidad de aprendizaje, aun cuando las condiciones de la educación a distancia supongan retos en cuanto a la interacción, la comunicación y el aprendizaje formativo y colaborativo.
Teaching work in the current context transcends pedagogical work, since it demands the management and use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in educational processes that are developed at a distance. For this reason, this study analyzes the pedagogical use of ICTs made by primary level teachers of a public educational institution in Metropolitan Lima in relation to formative assessment in a distance education modality. The methodology of this study is qualitative in nature, it is located at the descriptive level and its method is based on the case study, since it deepens a particular situation that is evidenced in an educational center, for which it has been proposed to work with six key informants for this study. The theoretical support is based on the proposals of the categories related to the pedagogical use of ICT for formative evaluation, as well as the development of formative evaluation in distance education. Likewise, the design of instruments is proposed that analyze the opinions offered by the informant teachers, as well as the respective contrast from the observations of classes. The results obtained show that teachers are trained to handle ICT; However, this does not ensure their integration in the development of formative evaluation. In conclusion, it is suggested that prepared teachers, who possess digital skills, who know technological tools and know how to integrate them into teaching, generate a greater possibility of learning, even when the conditions of distance education pose challenges in terms of interaction, communication and formative and collaborative learning.
Teaching work in the current context transcends pedagogical work, since it demands the management and use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in educational processes that are developed at a distance. For this reason, this study analyzes the pedagogical use of ICTs made by primary level teachers of a public educational institution in Metropolitan Lima in relation to formative assessment in a distance education modality. The methodology of this study is qualitative in nature, it is located at the descriptive level and its method is based on the case study, since it deepens a particular situation that is evidenced in an educational center, for which it has been proposed to work with six key informants for this study. The theoretical support is based on the proposals of the categories related to the pedagogical use of ICT for formative evaluation, as well as the development of formative evaluation in distance education. Likewise, the design of instruments is proposed that analyze the opinions offered by the informant teachers, as well as the respective contrast from the observations of classes. The results obtained show that teachers are trained to handle ICT; However, this does not ensure their integration in the development of formative evaluation. In conclusion, it is suggested that prepared teachers, who possess digital skills, who know technological tools and know how to integrate them into teaching, generate a greater possibility of learning, even when the conditions of distance education pose challenges in terms of interaction, communication and formative and collaborative learning.
Tecnología de la información, Educación primaria, Personal docente--Capacitación, Educación a distancia
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