El bienestar después del embarazo en un grupo de madres adolescentes en condición de pobreza: ¿problema o adaptación?
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El embarazo adolescente suele ser visto como un problema. Sin embargo,
existen pocos estudios que analizan el tema desde la perspectiva de sus
protagonistas. El presente estudio se propone describir la autopercepción de
bienestar después del embarazo en madres adolescentes en condición de
pobreza. Se realizaron 30 entrevistas estructuradas con alternativa de respuesta
abierta de auto-reporte de felicidad después del embarazo. Los resultados
encuentran que el embarazo es un evento que puede producir efectos positivos
en el bienestar de algunas adolescentes. Se discute que para un grupo
minoritario pero importante el embarazo puede ser una respuesta adaptativa a
las carencias afectivas y a la ausencia de relaciones familiares positivas.
Teenage pregnancy is often seen as a problem. However, there are few studies examining the issue from the perspective of its protagonists. The present study aims to describe the self-perception of well-being after pregnancy in adolescent mothers in poverty. Thirty structured interviews with open-ended questions on self-reported happiness after pregnancy were performed. The results found that pregnancy is an event that can have positive effects on the well-being of some adolescents. It is argued that for a minority but important group pregnancy may be an adaptive response to emotional deprivation and lack of positive family relationships.
Teenage pregnancy is often seen as a problem. However, there are few studies examining the issue from the perspective of its protagonists. The present study aims to describe the self-perception of well-being after pregnancy in adolescent mothers in poverty. Thirty structured interviews with open-ended questions on self-reported happiness after pregnancy were performed. The results found that pregnancy is an event that can have positive effects on the well-being of some adolescents. It is argued that for a minority but important group pregnancy may be an adaptive response to emotional deprivation and lack of positive family relationships.
Embarazo en adolescentes--Perú, Bienestar, Pobreza