Las señales del mercado en los tipos de estados financieros y su influencia en la decisión de inversión de futuros inversionistas
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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La presente investigación tiene como objetivo general evaluar cómo el tipo
de estado financiero al que se exponen los futuros inversionistas impactan
en la probabilidad de una decisión de inversión positiva. Este estudio se
justifica por la necesidad de comprender la relevancia de la presentación
financiera en la toma de decisiones de inversión, abordando la relación
entre el tipo de estado financiero y la valoración de la acción de la empresa
matriz, así como la incidencia de la aversión al riesgo en estas decisiones.
Para ello, las bases teóricas utilizadas son la Teoría de la Señalización y la
Teoría de la Agencia. Asimismo, esta investigación es aplicada con un
enfoque cuantitativo y diseño experimental. La muestra, seleccionada de
manera determinística, incluye a 116 estudiantes y egresados de
contabilidad de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, quienes poseen
conocimientos sobre decisiones de inversión. Se les solicita calcular el valor
de la acción de Alicorp según el tipo de estado financiero indicado
(consolidado, separado o ambos), y compararlo con el precio de mercado
en un momento específico, a fin de determinar si es conveniente invertir en
la empresa. Adicionalmente, se les aplica una encuesta para medir su
aversión al riesgo. Los resultados indican que los futuros inversionistas
tienden a invertir cuando disponen de más información financiera, ya sea
mediante el estado financiero consolidado o ambos estados financieros,
debido a que el valor de la acción es mayor que el precio y una mayor
información refleja más transparencia. La conclusión principal es que la
disponibilidad de información financiera más completa y transparente
incrementa la disposición de los inversionistas a tomar decisiones de
inversión positivas.
This research aims to evaluate how the type of financial statement presented to prospective investors impacts the likelihood of a positive investment decision. The study is justified by the need to understand the relevance of financial reporting in investment decision-making, examining the relationship between the type of financial statement and the valuation of the parent company's stock, as well as the effect of risk aversion on these decisions. The theoretical frameworks utilized are Signaling Theory and Agency Theory. Additionally, this applied research employs a quantitative approach with an experimental design. The sample, selected deterministically, consists of 116 accounting students and graduates from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, who have knowledge of investment decisions. Participants are asked to calculate the value of Alicorp's stock based on the specified financial statement type (consolidated, separate, or both) and compare it to the market price at a given point in time to decide whether to invest in the company. Furthermore, a survey is conducted to measure their risk aversion. The results indicate that future investors tend to invest when they have more financial information, whether through consolidated financial statements or both types, as the stock value is higher than the price and more information reflects greater transparency. The main conclusion is that the availability of more comprehensive and transparent financial information increases investors' willingness to make positive investment decisions.
This research aims to evaluate how the type of financial statement presented to prospective investors impacts the likelihood of a positive investment decision. The study is justified by the need to understand the relevance of financial reporting in investment decision-making, examining the relationship between the type of financial statement and the valuation of the parent company's stock, as well as the effect of risk aversion on these decisions. The theoretical frameworks utilized are Signaling Theory and Agency Theory. Additionally, this applied research employs a quantitative approach with an experimental design. The sample, selected deterministically, consists of 116 accounting students and graduates from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, who have knowledge of investment decisions. Participants are asked to calculate the value of Alicorp's stock based on the specified financial statement type (consolidated, separate, or both) and compare it to the market price at a given point in time to decide whether to invest in the company. Furthermore, a survey is conducted to measure their risk aversion. The results indicate that future investors tend to invest when they have more financial information, whether through consolidated financial statements or both types, as the stock value is higher than the price and more information reflects greater transparency. The main conclusion is that the availability of more comprehensive and transparent financial information increases investors' willingness to make positive investment decisions.
Estados financieros--Análisis, Inversiones--Toma de desiciones, Riesgo financiero
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