Participamos Todas : Política nacional multisectorial para la participación política equitativa
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.
El presente proyecto de innovación tiene como objetivo brindar una propuesta que aumente,
diversifique y coordine la actuación de las diversas entidades de la administración pública
para aumentar el porcentaje de participación de mujeres en cargos de elección popular.
La metodología empleada se desarrolló de la siguiente manera: en un primer momento, se
realizó una revisión documentaria de diversas investigaciones a fin de identificar y definir el
problema, así como de la normativa nacional e internacional relacionada a la igualdad entre
hombres y mujeres para elaborar la arquitectura del problema; luego de ello, se analizaron
diversos estudios académicos vinculados a la lucha por la igualdad entre hombres y mujeres
y la participación política de estas últimas para identificar las causas teóricas del problema.
Se realizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas a expertos y a mujeres candidatas al Congreso
de la República en las Elecciones Generales 2021 para contrastar las causas teóricas, lo que
llevó a la identificación de tres causas principales: discriminación estructural contra las
mujeres; respuesta institucional reactiva y aislada; y constante conflicto entre el Poder
Ejecutivo y el Poder Legislativo. Finalmente, se contrastó la hipótesis planteada con otras
alternativas de aplicadas en la región para diseñar el concepto y el prototipo final de
innovación; y se realizó el análisis de deseabilidad, factibilidad y viabilidad del prototipo para
su implementación.
Cabe señalar que el bajo porcentaje de mujeres en cargos de elección popular tiene un
impacto directo en el Índice de Desarrollo Social de la Mujer y el Hombre, afectando la
dimensión de autonomía, y en específico el componente de toma de decisiones. Asimismo,
la respuesta institucional relacionada a ello se ha centrado casi exclusivamente en el aspecto
normativo, lo cual, si bien ha generado un impacto positivo, ha probado ser insuficiente por si
misma. Por ello, es necesario generar una respuesta institucional diversa, coordinada y de
largo plazo.
The objective of this innovation project is to provide a proposal to increase, diversify and coordinate the actions of the various public administration entities to increase the percentage of women's participation in public selection positions. The methodology used was developed as follows: first, a documentary review of various research studies was carried out in order to identify and define the problem, as well as national and international regulations related to equality between men and women in order to elaborate the architecture of the problem; then, various academic studies related to the struggle for equality between men and women and the political participation of women were analyzed in order to identify the theoretical causes of the problem. Subsequently, semi-structured interviews were conducted with experts and women candidates to Congress in the 2021 General Elections to contrast the theoretical causes, which led to the identification of three main causes: structural discrimination against women; reactive and isolated institutional response; and constant conflict between the Executive and Legislative Branches. Finally, the hypothesis was contrasted with other alternatives applied in the region to design the concept and the final innovation prototype; and the analysis of desirability, feasibility and viability of the prototype for its implementation was carried out. It should be noted that the low percentage of women in publicly elected positions has a direct impact on the Social Development Index of Men and Women, affecting the dimension of autonomy, and specifically the decision-making component. Likewise, the related institutional response has focused almost exclusively on the normative aspect, which, although it has generated a positive impact, has proven to be insufficient by itself. It is therefore necessary to generate a diverse, coordinated and long-term institutional response.
The objective of this innovation project is to provide a proposal to increase, diversify and coordinate the actions of the various public administration entities to increase the percentage of women's participation in public selection positions. The methodology used was developed as follows: first, a documentary review of various research studies was carried out in order to identify and define the problem, as well as national and international regulations related to equality between men and women in order to elaborate the architecture of the problem; then, various academic studies related to the struggle for equality between men and women and the political participation of women were analyzed in order to identify the theoretical causes of the problem. Subsequently, semi-structured interviews were conducted with experts and women candidates to Congress in the 2021 General Elections to contrast the theoretical causes, which led to the identification of three main causes: structural discrimination against women; reactive and isolated institutional response; and constant conflict between the Executive and Legislative Branches. Finally, the hypothesis was contrasted with other alternatives applied in the region to design the concept and the final innovation prototype; and the analysis of desirability, feasibility and viability of the prototype for its implementation was carried out. It should be noted that the low percentage of women in publicly elected positions has a direct impact on the Social Development Index of Men and Women, affecting the dimension of autonomy, and specifically the decision-making component. Likewise, the related institutional response has focused almost exclusively on the normative aspect, which, although it has generated a positive impact, has proven to be insufficient by itself. It is therefore necessary to generate a diverse, coordinated and long-term institutional response.
Mujeres políticas--Perú, Discriminación sexual contra las mujeres--Perú, Mujeres--Actividad política--Perú, Políticas públicas--Perú
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