Habilidades del lenguaje oral que promueven las docentes en los niños y niñas de tres años de una Institución Pública de Educación Inicial y su alineamiento con el Resultado DIT: Comunicación Verbal efectiva
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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La presente investigación tiene como objetivo analizar las actividades que llevan a cabo
las docentes de una institución educativa pública de educación inicial para promover el
desarrollo de las habilidades del lenguaje oral en los niños de tres años y con ello
determinar si dichas actividades se orientan al logro de los resultados Desarrollo Infantil
Temprano (DIT) establecidos por los Lineamientos Primero la Infancia (DS 010- 2016)
en lo que respecta al resultado: Comunicación verbal efectiva. Se apoya en un enfoque
cualitativo de investigación, de nivel descriptivo en el que se emplea la técnica de la
entrevista para recoger información directa de las docentes de aula. Contempla la
aplicación de una guía de preguntas semiestructurada y se recoge información sobre
las actividades que realizan las docentes para promover el desarrollo del lenguaje oral
en los niños/niñas de su aula. Una vez categorizados y codificados los resultados, se
estructuran, contrastan y analizan por medio de matrices cualitativas que permiten
comparar si el trabajo realizado por las docentes se alinea a la búsqueda del resultado
DIT: comunicación verbal efectiva. Se concluye que las docentes a través de sus
actividades promueven las habilidades de expresión y comprensión oral, principalmente
las referidas a descripción de los hechos, expresión de ideas, sentimientos y vivencias,
desarrollo del vocabulario, entendimiento de la explicación de hechos, seguimiento de
indicaciones y participación en diálogos; también el uso de estructuras sintácticas
básicas, pero de forma más limitada. El desarrollo de estas habilidades se promueve
mediante estrategias lúdicas, creativas e interactivas. La principal limitación expresada
por las docentes tiene que ver con las clases virtuales en el contexto de educación
remota que se dictaminó por la pandemia. Finalmente, se determina que existe
alineamiento de las actividades para promover el lenguaje oral en los niños que realiza
la maestra y la búsqueda del resultado 4 DIT: “comunicación verbal efectiva”.
This research aims to analyze the activities carried out by teachers of a public educational institution of initial education to promote the development of oral language skills in three years old children and thereby determine if these activities are oriented to the achievement of the results Early Childhood Development (ECD) established by the Guidelines First Childhood (DS 010-2016) with regard to the result: Effective verbal communication. It is based on a qualitative research approach, of descriptive level in which the interview technique is used to collect direct information from classroom teachers. It contemplates the application of a semi-structured question guide and information is collected on the activities carried out by teachers to promote the development of oral language in the children of their classroom. Once the results have been categorized and codified, they are structured, contrasted and analyzed by means of qualitative matrices that allow comparing whether the work done by the teachers aligns with the search for the result DIT: effective verbal communication. It is concluded that the teachers through their activities promote the skills of expression and oral comprehension, mainly those related to the description of the facts, expression of ideas, feelings and experiences, development of vocabulary, understanding of the explanation of facts, follow-up of indications and participation in dialogues; also, the use of basic but more limited syntactic structures. The development of these skills is promoted through playful, creative and interactive strategies. The main limitation expressed by teachers has to do with virtual classes in the context of remote education that was ruled by the pandemic. Finally, It was determined that there is alignment of the activities to promote oral language in children performed by the teacher and the search for the result 4 DIT: "effective verbal communication".
This research aims to analyze the activities carried out by teachers of a public educational institution of initial education to promote the development of oral language skills in three years old children and thereby determine if these activities are oriented to the achievement of the results Early Childhood Development (ECD) established by the Guidelines First Childhood (DS 010-2016) with regard to the result: Effective verbal communication. It is based on a qualitative research approach, of descriptive level in which the interview technique is used to collect direct information from classroom teachers. It contemplates the application of a semi-structured question guide and information is collected on the activities carried out by teachers to promote the development of oral language in the children of their classroom. Once the results have been categorized and codified, they are structured, contrasted and analyzed by means of qualitative matrices that allow comparing whether the work done by the teachers aligns with the search for the result DIT: effective verbal communication. It is concluded that the teachers through their activities promote the skills of expression and oral comprehension, mainly those related to the description of the facts, expression of ideas, feelings and experiences, development of vocabulary, understanding of the explanation of facts, follow-up of indications and participation in dialogues; also, the use of basic but more limited syntactic structures. The development of these skills is promoted through playful, creative and interactive strategies. The main limitation expressed by teachers has to do with virtual classes in the context of remote education that was ruled by the pandemic. Finally, It was determined that there is alignment of the activities to promote oral language in children performed by the teacher and the search for the result 4 DIT: "effective verbal communication".
Desarrollo infantil--Perú, Niños--Lenguaje, Educación y Estado--Perú, Educación preescolar--Investigaciones
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