Mapeo sistemático sobre la implementación de software usando plataformas de desarrollo Low-Code
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Autores señalan que existen muy pocas investigaciones que realizan mapeos y revisiones
sistemáticas, y muchas de ellas no siguen un método de investigación riguroso. Prinz
et al. [1] realizó una revisión de literatura, recabó información de 32 artículos primarios
publicados entre 2017 y 2020, clasi ca la visión actual de las Plataformas de desarrollo
Low-Code (bajo código). Rokis et al. [2] realizó una revisión de literatura para identi car
los desafíos que tienen las plataformas de bajo código y/o sin código, se organizaron en 7
fases ágiles del desarrollo de software análisis de requisitos, planeamiento, diseño, desarrollo,
pruebas, despliegue y mantenimiento, analizó 23 artículos primarios publicados entre
2019 2021. Pinho et al. [3] presenta una revisión de literatura donde revisa plataformas
Low-Code, plataformas No-Code y la usabilidad de estas, evaluó 38 artículos primarios. El
objetivo de esta investigación es realizar un estudio de mapeo sistemático sobre distintas
investigaciones respecto a la implementación de software usando plataformas de desarrollo
Low-Code. Se realizó un mapeo sistemático de la literatura sobre las bases de datos: Scopus,
IEEE, Web of Science y ACM Digital, se evaluaron 47 artículos primarios. Los resultados
muestran a las Plataformas de desarrollo Low-Code identi cadas, las características, las
áreas de la organización que utilizan estas plataformas que son en su mayoría el Área de
Compras y el Área de Ventas. Así mismo se han identi cado las ventajas y desventajas del
uso de las LCDP como por cada una de ellas. También se ha identi cado que se desarrollan
aplicaciones web y móvil como principales tipos de aplicación.
The authors point out that there are very few investigations that carried out systematic mapping and reviews, and many of them do not follow a rigorous research method. Prinz et al. [1] conducted a literature review, collected information from 32 primary articles published between 2017 and 2020, classi es the current vision of Low-Code Development Platforms, Rokis et al. [2] carried out a literature review to identify the challenges that LCDP/NCDP (Low Code Development Platform / No Code Development Platform) has, it was organized into 7 agile phases of software development, requirements analysis, planning, design, development, testing, implementation and maintenance, analyzed 23 primary articles published between 2019 2021. Pinho et al. [3] presents a literature review where it reviews Low-Code platforms, No-Code platforms and their usability, evaluating 38 primary articles. The objective of this research is to carry out a systematic mapping study on di erent research regarding software implementation using Low-Code development platforms. A systematic mapping of the literature was carried out on the databases: Scopus, IEEE, Web of Science and ACM Digital, 47 primary articles were evaluated. The results show the Low-Code development platforms identi ed, the characteristics, the areas of the organization that use these platforms, which are mostly the Purchasing Area and the Sales Area. Likewise, the advantages and disadvantages of using LCDPs have been identi ed for each one of them. It has also been identi ed that web and mobile applications are developed as the main types of applications.
The authors point out that there are very few investigations that carried out systematic mapping and reviews, and many of them do not follow a rigorous research method. Prinz et al. [1] conducted a literature review, collected information from 32 primary articles published between 2017 and 2020, classi es the current vision of Low-Code Development Platforms, Rokis et al. [2] carried out a literature review to identify the challenges that LCDP/NCDP (Low Code Development Platform / No Code Development Platform) has, it was organized into 7 agile phases of software development, requirements analysis, planning, design, development, testing, implementation and maintenance, analyzed 23 primary articles published between 2019 2021. Pinho et al. [3] presents a literature review where it reviews Low-Code platforms, No-Code platforms and their usability, evaluating 38 primary articles. The objective of this research is to carry out a systematic mapping study on di erent research regarding software implementation using Low-Code development platforms. A systematic mapping of the literature was carried out on the databases: Scopus, IEEE, Web of Science and ACM Digital, 47 primary articles were evaluated. The results show the Low-Code development platforms identi ed, the characteristics, the areas of the organization that use these platforms, which are mostly the Purchasing Area and the Sales Area. Likewise, the advantages and disadvantages of using LCDPs have been identi ed for each one of them. It has also been identi ed that web and mobile applications are developed as the main types of applications.
Programas para computadoras--Desarrollo, Informática--Aplicaciones, Sistemas de información