Plan estratégico sector petróleo en Colombia
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El sector de petróleo en Colombia es fundamental para el desarrollo de las actividades
económicas del país. El sector es parte integral del plan de desarrollo del país y motor del
progreso nacional. En la actualidad, la actividad petrolera ha venido creciendo en términos de
exploración y explotación de petróleo permitiendo a la actividad ubicarse como líder para la
atracción de inversión extranjera e inversión nacional, generación de empleo y grandes
compañías multinacionales. El sector de petróleo y gas creció, a precios constantes del 2005,
un 17 por ciento frente al 2010 para 2011.
Sin embargo, es el sector con los mayores retos a nivel social, ambiental, orden público y
regulatorio para mantener una equidad entre el uso de los recursos naturales y el progreso
económico del país a través de un planteamiento estratégico integral.
El planteamiento estratégico presentado en este trabajo busca seguir todo el proceso
estratégico para establecer un plan estratégico a 2032 para el sector petróleo en Colombia que
permitiendo al Ministerio de Minas y Energía, Asociación Colombiana de Petróleo y a otros
organismos de carácter público y privado contar con una propuesta integral sobre la situación
actual para establecer a través de todo una metodología estratégica el desarrollo de un
planteamiento para 2032.
Finalmente, el planteamiento estratégico será soportado en la implementación de un cuadro
de mando integral como eje central para la evaluación de la estrategia del sector petróleo en
The oil industry in Colombia is essential for the development of economic activities in the country. The sector is an integral part of the country's development plan and national progress. In the current situation, the oil industry has been growing in terms of exploration and production, the industry is the leader activity that attracts foreign and domestic investment, job creation and large multinational companies. The oil and gas sector grew at constant prices of 2005, up 17 percent from 2010 to 2011. However, it is the sector with the most challenging social, environmental, and regulatory enforcement to maintain equity between the use of natural resources and economic progress of the country through a comprehensive strategic approach. The strategic approach presented in this paper seeks to follow the entire strategic process to establish a strategic plan to 2032 for the oil industry in Colombia that allowing the Ministry of Mines and Energy, Colombian Petroleum Association and other organizations, public and private to have a comprehensive proposal to establish the current situation throughout a methodology to develop a strategic approach for 2032. Finally, the strategic approach is supported in the implementation of a balanced scorecard as a central to evaluate of the oil sector strategy in Colombia.
The oil industry in Colombia is essential for the development of economic activities in the country. The sector is an integral part of the country's development plan and national progress. In the current situation, the oil industry has been growing in terms of exploration and production, the industry is the leader activity that attracts foreign and domestic investment, job creation and large multinational companies. The oil and gas sector grew at constant prices of 2005, up 17 percent from 2010 to 2011. However, it is the sector with the most challenging social, environmental, and regulatory enforcement to maintain equity between the use of natural resources and economic progress of the country through a comprehensive strategic approach. The strategic approach presented in this paper seeks to follow the entire strategic process to establish a strategic plan to 2032 for the oil industry in Colombia that allowing the Ministry of Mines and Energy, Colombian Petroleum Association and other organizations, public and private to have a comprehensive proposal to establish the current situation throughout a methodology to develop a strategic approach for 2032. Finally, the strategic approach is supported in the implementation of a balanced scorecard as a central to evaluate of the oil sector strategy in Colombia.
Industria del petróleo--Colombia, Planificación estratégica
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