Estudio comparativo de la acción de copolímeros en bloque de estirenobutadieno- estireno (SBS) en la modificación de las propiedades físicas y reológicas del asfalto
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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En la presente tesis se hizo un estudio comparativo de dos copolímeros estirenobutadieno-
estireno (SBS) en bloque, lineales, que actualmente son utilizados como
modificadores de asfaltos, ambos procedentes de la empresa Dynasol Elastómeros S.A.
de C.V. y fueron elaborados mediante polimerización aniónica y denominados para fines
del estudio como: SBS-1 y SBS-2. La caracterización de los copolímeros SBS fue
realizada mediante técnicas de RMN, FTIR-ATR y GPC. La diferencia principal en su
composición química entre los copolímeros SBS-1 y SBS-2 radicó en el contenido del
grupo 1,2-vinilo de la cadena de polibutadieno del copolímero. El copolímero SBS-2 tuvo
36% molar de grupos 1,2-vinilos mientras que el copolímero SBS-1 solo tuvo 11% molar.
El contenido de poliestireno en peso fue de 31% para el copolímero SBS-1 y 34% para
el copolímero SBS-2. Los pesos moleculares promedio en peso (Mw) fueron de 146,000
g/mol para los dos copolímeros. La polidispersidad fue de 1.5 para el SBS-1 y 1.6 para
el SBS-2.
El asfalto seleccionado para ser modificado con polímeros fue PEN 60-70 con Grado de
Performance PG 64-22, procedente de la Refinería Conchan de la empresa Petroperú
S.A. cuya composición química obtenida mediante la cromatografía SARA, fue de:
22.45% de compuestos saturados, 9.51% de compuestos aromáticos, 53.45% de
compuestos resinas y 14.59% de compuestos asfaltenos. Dada la composición química
del asfalto, no se cumplieron los requisitos para asegurar un alto grado de compatibilidad
asfalto/polímero, al haberse encontrado que el índice de inestabilidad coloidal fue igual
a 0.59 y no 0.3, el contenido de aromáticos igual a 9.51% y no 55% mínimo y, por otro
lado, la relación de saturados/aromáticos, fue igual a 2.36 y no 0.55, tal como es
aconsejado en la literatura (Polaccoa, 2015).
Por consiguiente, debido al bajo contenido de aromáticos, la mezcla asfalto-polímero
SBS, tendría problemas de incompatibilidad, producto del menor grado de solvencia de
polímero. (Airey, 2003).
Frente a la composición química del asfalto seleccionado, la dosis de polímero no fue
alta y el uso de azufre como agente vulcanizante del polímero ayudó a mejorar la
estabilidad en el almacenamiento del asfalto modificado.
La relación de azufre/polímero fue 0.05 con ambos copolímeros SBS. Sin embargo, esta
relación depende de la calidad del polímero seleccionado y sobre todo de las
características del asfalto modificado requeridas para su uso en el pavimento, de acuerdo a las Especificaciones Técnicas Generales para Construcción EG-2013 del
Ministerio de Transportes y Comunicaciones del Perú.
En esta tesis, a modo comparativo los copolímeros SBS-1 y SBS-2 fueron utilizados con
la misma dosis, es decir, 3% en peso respecto al asfalto PEN 60-70. De los dos
copolímeros SBS evaluados, solo el copolímero SBS-1 llenó los requisitos de calidad
para obtener un asfalto modificado con las características de acuerdo a la norma
peruana para el tipo IC y, además, con Grado de Performance PG 76-22 y clasificación
para tráfico muy pesado (V). El mayor contenido de los grupos 1,2-vinilo en la cadena
del polibutadieno del copolímero SBS-2 generó mejores propiedades físicas, pero no
mejores propiedades reológicas que el copolímero SBS-1 en el asfalto.
Adicionalmente, esta tesis incorporó en la caracterización de los asfaltos modificados la
determinación del Grado de Performance, la clasificación por tipo de tráfico mediante la
prueba del MSCR, prueba de Múltiple Stress Creep Repetido (ASTM D-7405) y la
medición de la resistencia a la fatiga de los asfaltos mediante el ensayo LAS (Estimating
Fatigue Resistance of Asphalt Binders Using the Linear Amplitude Sweep, AASHTO T-
391), siendo estas herramientas valiosas en la selección del polímero para un asfalto
modificado específico.
In this thesis, a comparative study was made of two linear block styrene-butadienestyrene (SBS) copolymers, which are currently used as asphalt modifiers, both come from the company Dynasol Elastómeros S.A. of C.V. and were prepared by anionic polymerization and named for the purposes of the study as: SBS-1 and SBS-2. The characterization of the SBS copolymers was carried out using NMR, FTIR-ATR and GPC techniques. The main difference in their chemical composition of SBS-1 and SBS-2 lay in the content of the 1,2-vinyl group of the polybutadiene chain. The SBS-2 copolymer had 36 mol% of 1,2-vinyl groups while the SBS-1 copolymer only had 11 mol%. The polystyrene content by weight was 31% for the SBS-1 copolymer and 34% for the SBS- 2 copolymer. The weight average molecular weights (Mw) were 146,000 g/mol for the two copolymers. The polydispersity was 1.5 for SBS-1 and 1.6 for SBS-2. The asphalt selected to be modified with polymers was PEN 60-70 with Performance Grade PG 64-22, from the Conchan Refinery of the company Petroperú S.A. whose chemical composition, obtained through SARA chromatography, was: 22.45% saturated compounds, 9.51% aromatic compounds, 53.45% resin compounds and 14.59% asphaltene compounds. Given the chemical composition of the asphalt, the requirements to ensure a high degree of asphalt/polymer compatibility were not met, as it was found that the colloidal instability index was equal to 0.59 and not 0.3, the aromatic content equal to 9.51% and not 55% minimum and, on the other hand, the saturates/aromatics ratio was equal to 2.36 and not 0.55, as recommended in the literature (Polaccoa, 2015). Consequently, due to the low content of aromatics, the asphalt-SBS polymer mixture would have incompatibility problems, as a result of the lower degree of polymer solvency. (Airey, 2003). Given the chemical composition of the selected asphalt, the polymer dose was not high and the use of sulfur as a vulcanizing agent of the polymer helped to improve the storage stability of the modified asphalt. The sulfur/polymer ratio was 0.05 with both SBS copolymers. However, this relationship depends on the quality of the selected polymer and above all on the characteristics of the modified asphalt required for its use in the pavement, according to the General Technical Specifications for Construction EG-2013 of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications of Peru. In this thesis, for comparison, the copolymers SBS-1 and SBS-2 were used with the same dose, that is, 3% by weight with respect to PEN 60-70 asphalt. Of the two SBS copolymers evaluated, only the SBS-1 copolymer met the quality requirements to obtain a modified asphalt with the characteristics according to the Peruvian standard for type IC and also with Performance Grade PG 76-22 and classification for traffic. very heavy (V). The higher content of 1,2-vinyl groups in the polybutadiene chain of the SBS-2 copolymer generated better physical properties, but not better rheological properties in the asphalt. Additionally, this thesis incorporated in the characterization of the modified asphalts the determination of the Grade of Performance, the classification by type of traffic through the MSCR test, Multiple Strees Creep and Recovery Test, (ASTM D-7405) and the measurement of the fatigue resistance of asphalts using the LAS test (Estimating Fatigue Resistance of Asphalt Binders Using the Linear Amplitude Sweep, AASHTO T-391), these being valuable tools in the selection of the polymer for a specific modified asphalt.
In this thesis, a comparative study was made of two linear block styrene-butadienestyrene (SBS) copolymers, which are currently used as asphalt modifiers, both come from the company Dynasol Elastómeros S.A. of C.V. and were prepared by anionic polymerization and named for the purposes of the study as: SBS-1 and SBS-2. The characterization of the SBS copolymers was carried out using NMR, FTIR-ATR and GPC techniques. The main difference in their chemical composition of SBS-1 and SBS-2 lay in the content of the 1,2-vinyl group of the polybutadiene chain. The SBS-2 copolymer had 36 mol% of 1,2-vinyl groups while the SBS-1 copolymer only had 11 mol%. The polystyrene content by weight was 31% for the SBS-1 copolymer and 34% for the SBS- 2 copolymer. The weight average molecular weights (Mw) were 146,000 g/mol for the two copolymers. The polydispersity was 1.5 for SBS-1 and 1.6 for SBS-2. The asphalt selected to be modified with polymers was PEN 60-70 with Performance Grade PG 64-22, from the Conchan Refinery of the company Petroperú S.A. whose chemical composition, obtained through SARA chromatography, was: 22.45% saturated compounds, 9.51% aromatic compounds, 53.45% resin compounds and 14.59% asphaltene compounds. Given the chemical composition of the asphalt, the requirements to ensure a high degree of asphalt/polymer compatibility were not met, as it was found that the colloidal instability index was equal to 0.59 and not 0.3, the aromatic content equal to 9.51% and not 55% minimum and, on the other hand, the saturates/aromatics ratio was equal to 2.36 and not 0.55, as recommended in the literature (Polaccoa, 2015). Consequently, due to the low content of aromatics, the asphalt-SBS polymer mixture would have incompatibility problems, as a result of the lower degree of polymer solvency. (Airey, 2003). Given the chemical composition of the selected asphalt, the polymer dose was not high and the use of sulfur as a vulcanizing agent of the polymer helped to improve the storage stability of the modified asphalt. The sulfur/polymer ratio was 0.05 with both SBS copolymers. However, this relationship depends on the quality of the selected polymer and above all on the characteristics of the modified asphalt required for its use in the pavement, according to the General Technical Specifications for Construction EG-2013 of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications of Peru. In this thesis, for comparison, the copolymers SBS-1 and SBS-2 were used with the same dose, that is, 3% by weight with respect to PEN 60-70 asphalt. Of the two SBS copolymers evaluated, only the SBS-1 copolymer met the quality requirements to obtain a modified asphalt with the characteristics according to the Peruvian standard for type IC and also with Performance Grade PG 76-22 and classification for traffic. very heavy (V). The higher content of 1,2-vinyl groups in the polybutadiene chain of the SBS-2 copolymer generated better physical properties, but not better rheological properties in the asphalt. Additionally, this thesis incorporated in the characterization of the modified asphalts the determination of the Grade of Performance, the classification by type of traffic through the MSCR test, Multiple Strees Creep and Recovery Test, (ASTM D-7405) and the measurement of the fatigue resistance of asphalts using the LAS test (Estimating Fatigue Resistance of Asphalt Binders Using the Linear Amplitude Sweep, AASHTO T-391), these being valuable tools in the selection of the polymer for a specific modified asphalt.
Asfalto, Análisis cromatográfico, Polímeros, Copolímeros, Caucho estireno-butadieno