Estructura de redes de corrupción en la gestión regional 2011-2014 del gobierno regional de Apurímac
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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La corrupción es uno de los principales flagelos de nuestro país, que
debilita la institucionalidad y afecta la credibilidad en el sistema político
democrático, generando desinterés y decepción en la población. Y en los últimos
años, este fenómeno que aqueja a la sociedad, se ha presentado continuamente
en los gobiernos sub nacionales (regionales y locales), basta con dar un vistazo
a los casos más sonados en el ámbito nacional.
En ese contexto, este estudio se centró en el Gobierno Regional de
Apurímac, específicamente durante el periodo de gestión 2011-2014, al analizar
la estructura de redes de corrupción, donde se investigó la vinculación directa e
indirecta entre los actores involucrados y la relación con el ex gobernador
regional apurimeño, quien actualmente, viene siendo procesado por actos de
Dentro de la investigación, la pregunta a responder fue ¿Cuál es la
estructura de las redes de corrupción en la gestión regional 2011-2014 del
Gobierno Regional de Apurímac? La cual implica tres sub preguntas, a fin
determinar los vínculos generados entre los actores; comprender las formas de
corrupción más comunes y debatir las posibles causas que dieron lugar a la
formación de estas redes.
Finalmente, si bien los hechos realizados por los actores involucrados
pueden ser catalogados como formas de corrupción, nos conlleva a analizar que
talvez la estructura organizacional del gobierno regional sea propicia para
generar éstas redes, como consecuencia de una débil descentralización y falta
de meritocracia para designar funcionarios, lo que es un pasivo para el Estado
peruano y un problema para las políticas gubernamentales de lucha contra la
Corruption is one of the main scourges of our country, which weakens institutionality and affects credibility in the democratic political system, generating disinterest and disappointment in the population. And in recent years, this phenomenon that afflicts society has been continuously presented in sub-national governments (regional and local), it is enough to take a look at the most popular cases in the national sphere. In this context, the study focused on the Regional Government of Apurimac, specifically during the 2011-2014 management period, when analyzing the structure of corruption networks, where the direct and indirect link between the actors involved and the relationship with the former regional governor of Apurimac, who is currently being prosecuted for acts of corruption, was investigated. Within the investigation, the question to answer was: What is the structure of the corruption networks in the regional management 2011-2014 of the Regional Government of Apurimac? Which involves three sub questions in order to determine the links generated between the actors, understand the most common forms of corruption and discuss the possible causes that led to the formation of these networks. Finally, although the facts carried out by the actors involved can be classified as forms of corruption, it leads us to analyze that perhaps the organizational structure of the regional government is conducive to generate these networks, as a result of weak decentralization and lack of meritocracy to designate public officials, which is a liability for the peruvian State and a problem for government policies to fight against corruption.
Corruption is one of the main scourges of our country, which weakens institutionality and affects credibility in the democratic political system, generating disinterest and disappointment in the population. And in recent years, this phenomenon that afflicts society has been continuously presented in sub-national governments (regional and local), it is enough to take a look at the most popular cases in the national sphere. In this context, the study focused on the Regional Government of Apurimac, specifically during the 2011-2014 management period, when analyzing the structure of corruption networks, where the direct and indirect link between the actors involved and the relationship with the former regional governor of Apurimac, who is currently being prosecuted for acts of corruption, was investigated. Within the investigation, the question to answer was: What is the structure of the corruption networks in the regional management 2011-2014 of the Regional Government of Apurimac? Which involves three sub questions in order to determine the links generated between the actors, understand the most common forms of corruption and discuss the possible causes that led to the formation of these networks. Finally, although the facts carried out by the actors involved can be classified as forms of corruption, it leads us to analyze that perhaps the organizational structure of the regional government is conducive to generate these networks, as a result of weak decentralization and lack of meritocracy to designate public officials, which is a liability for the peruvian State and a problem for government policies to fight against corruption.
Corrupción política--Perú--Apurímac, Funcionarios públicos--Perú--Apurímac, Gobierno regional--Perú--Apurímac