La atención parejamente flotante : conceptualización y transformaciones
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación tiene como objetivo revisar la vigencia del concepto de la
atención parejamente flotante como eje que permita la comprensión del funcionamiento de
la mente del analista operando en sesión dentro de la clínica actual.
Partiendo de la definición original propuesta por Freud en 1912 y de autores posteriores
(Ferenczi, Reik, Klein, Bion, Meltzer, Ogden entre otros) revisaremos las distintas
transformaciones y complejidades que ha sufrido hasta considerarse parte central del
trabajo mental del analista. La atención flotante, luego de estas transformaciones y de
haberse incluido dentro de otros conceptos (contratransferencia, identificación proyectiva
entre otros) comienza a operar dentro de la mente del analista de un modo particular,
distinto al propuesto inicialmente por Freud. Creemos que la mente del analista es un
concepto clave con el cual se trabaja actualmente en la clínica, que si bien de alguna
manera deriva de las ideas originales de Freud no fue lo suficientemente trabajado por él
pero sí retomado por muchos autores posteriores. La atención flotante (tal como la definiera
Freud), creemos, es hoy en día un concepto necesario, pero no suficiente dentro del trabajo
clínico, hoy la mente del analista utiliza distintas capacidades mentales para el trabajo
The present study aims to review the validity of the concept of evenly floating attention as an axis to allow understanding of how the analyst’s mind operating in sesión within the current clinic. Starting from the original definition proposed by Freud in 1912 and later authors (Ferenczi, Reik, Klein, Bion, Meltzer, Ogden and others) we will review the various transformations and complexities that have been considered central to mental work of the analyst. Floating attention after these changes and have been included within other concepts (countertransference, projective identification, among others) began to operate within the mind of the analyst in a particular way, other than initially proposed by Freud. We believe that the analyst’s mind is a key concept which is currently working at the clinic, that although somehow derives from Freud’s original ideas was not sufficiently worked for him but later picked up by many author. Floating attention (as defined by Freud), we believe, is now a necessary but not sufficient concept in clinical work, the analyst’s mind today uses different mental capacities for analytic work.
The present study aims to review the validity of the concept of evenly floating attention as an axis to allow understanding of how the analyst’s mind operating in sesión within the current clinic. Starting from the original definition proposed by Freud in 1912 and later authors (Ferenczi, Reik, Klein, Bion, Meltzer, Ogden and others) we will review the various transformations and complexities that have been considered central to mental work of the analyst. Floating attention after these changes and have been included within other concepts (countertransference, projective identification, among others) began to operate within the mind of the analyst in a particular way, other than initially proposed by Freud. We believe that the analyst’s mind is a key concept which is currently working at the clinic, that although somehow derives from Freud’s original ideas was not sufficiently worked for him but later picked up by many author. Floating attention (as defined by Freud), we believe, is now a necessary but not sufficient concept in clinical work, the analyst’s mind today uses different mental capacities for analytic work.
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