"Proceso de formalización minera: políticas ambientales y respuestas del sector minero informal a pequeña escala en el poblado Fortuna de Laberinto, Madre de Dios 2012 - 2014"
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente tesis de investigación tiene como objetivo general analizar las respuestas
del sector minero informal a pequeña escala, la política ambiental y las propuestas e
iniciativas en relación al proceso de formalización minera desarrollado entre el
período 2012 al 2014, en Madre de Dios. Para lograr dicho objetivo, se plantea el
diseño metodológico en base a la problemática ambiental, tomando en cuenta la
opinión de todos aquellos actores sociales que se encuentran vinculados o afectados
con la minería informal o que de alguna manera han seguido de cerca el proceso de
formalización minera. Por un lado, se seleccionó como caso: a mineros informales a
pequeña escala del poblado Fortuna ubicado en el distrito de Laberinto, provincia de
Tambopata y departamento de Madre de Dios y por otro lado, se seleccionaron
algunos representantes de instituciones del Estado, ONGs y gremios.
Asimismo, se analiza la aplicabilidad y sostenibilidad de la política ambiental hacia
el sector minero informal a pequeña escala en función del cumplimiento de los
principios contenidos en la Política Nacional del Ambiente y en la Ley Nº28611- Ley
General del Ambiente (LGA), del 15 de octubre del 2005; también se describen las
propuestas e iniciativas del proceso de formalización minera hacia el sector minero
informal, tomando en cuenta las políticas de ordenamiento de la minería aurífera y de
comercialización del oro en Madre de Dios, previas al conjunto de medidas
desarrolladas desde el año 2011 y finalmente se da a conocer las respuestas del sector
minero informal frente al desarrollo del proceso de formalización en el sector de
Madre de Dios.
La presente investigación identifica que las principales razones que no permitieron el
éxito del proceso de formalización minera, son aquellos vinculados a la aplicabilidad
y viabilidad de la política de formalización hacia el sector minero a pequeña escala y
a factores externos e internos que dificultaron la implementación de dicho proceso,
denotando una incompatibilidad entre las políticas de formalización y los
requerimientos del sector minero informal.
Creemos que conociendo las respuestas de todos los actores sociales que han
intervenido en el proceso de formalización minera, se puede proponer estrategias que
integren intereses reales de todas las partes vinculadas a la problemática ambiental, a
fin de lograr una solución al conflicto minero informal en Madre de Dios.
The general objective of this research thesis is to analyse the responses of the informal small-scale mining sector, the environmental policy and the proposals and initiatives in relation to the mining formalization process developed between the period 2012 to 2014, in Madre de Dios. To achieve this objective, we propose the methodological design based on the environmental problems, taking into account the opinion of all those social actors that are linked or affected with the informal mining or that in some way have followed closely the process of mining formalisation. On the one hand, it was selected as a case: a small-scale informal miners of the Fortuna village located in the Laberinto District, Tambopata Province and Madre de Dios department and on the other hand, some representatives of State institutions, ONGs and guilds were selected. It also analyses the applicability and sustainability of environmental policy towards the small-scale informal mining sector in accordance with the fulfilment of the principles contained in the National environment policy and in law Nº 28611- General environmental Law (LGA), of October 15, 2005; It also describes the proposals and initiatives of the process of mining formalization towards the informal mining sector, taking into account the policies of ordering gold mining and marketing the Oro in Madre de Dios, previous to the set of measures developed since the year 2011 and finally it is announced the answers of the informal mining sector in front of the development of the process of formalisation in the sector of Madre de Dios. This research identifies that the main reasons that did not allow the success of the mining formalization process, they are those linked to the applicability and feasibility of the policy of formalization towards the small-scale mining sector and to external and internal factors that hinder the implementation of this process, denoting an incompatibility between the policies of formalisation and the requirements of the informal mining sector. We believe that by knowing the answers of all the social actors who have intervened in the process of mining formalization, we can propose strategies that integrate real interests of all the parties related to the environmental problem, in order to achieve a solution to the informal mining conflict in Madre de Dios.
The general objective of this research thesis is to analyse the responses of the informal small-scale mining sector, the environmental policy and the proposals and initiatives in relation to the mining formalization process developed between the period 2012 to 2014, in Madre de Dios. To achieve this objective, we propose the methodological design based on the environmental problems, taking into account the opinion of all those social actors that are linked or affected with the informal mining or that in some way have followed closely the process of mining formalisation. On the one hand, it was selected as a case: a small-scale informal miners of the Fortuna village located in the Laberinto District, Tambopata Province and Madre de Dios department and on the other hand, some representatives of State institutions, ONGs and guilds were selected. It also analyses the applicability and sustainability of environmental policy towards the small-scale informal mining sector in accordance with the fulfilment of the principles contained in the National environment policy and in law Nº 28611- General environmental Law (LGA), of October 15, 2005; It also describes the proposals and initiatives of the process of mining formalization towards the informal mining sector, taking into account the policies of ordering gold mining and marketing the Oro in Madre de Dios, previous to the set of measures developed since the year 2011 and finally it is announced the answers of the informal mining sector in front of the development of the process of formalisation in the sector of Madre de Dios. This research identifies that the main reasons that did not allow the success of the mining formalization process, they are those linked to the applicability and feasibility of the policy of formalization towards the small-scale mining sector and to external and internal factors that hinder the implementation of this process, denoting an incompatibility between the policies of formalisation and the requirements of the informal mining sector. We believe that by knowing the answers of all the social actors who have intervened in the process of mining formalization, we can propose strategies that integrate real interests of all the parties related to the environmental problem, in order to achieve a solution to the informal mining conflict in Madre de Dios.
Industria minera--Aspectos ambientales, Medio ambiente--Perú, Industria minera--Perú--Madre de Dios, Política ambiental--Perú
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