Aversión a la pérdida y activaciones corticales frontales ante la toma de decisiones
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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Las investigaciones basadas en la neuroeconomía tienen aplicaciones en modelos
económicos y en la evaluación de políticas públicas. El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo
identificar diferencias de activaciones de regiones corticales frontales ante diferentes
magnitudes de pérdida y ganancia que activen la aversión a la pérdida. Para ese propósito, se
realizó un estudio experimental con 12 participantes, a quienes se les hizo el registro de las
señales cerebrales de ondas lentas mientras realizaban un experimento consistente en aceptar
o rechazar una serie de apuestas con diferentes magnitudes de ganancia y pérdida por tres
condiciones experimentales: apuesta atractiva, apuesta indiferente y apuesta poco atractiva.
No se encontraron diferencias significativas para la amplitud de onda correspondiente a las
diferentes condiciones experimentales. No obstante, se encontró una relación negativa entre
asimetría hemisférica y aversión a la perdida (r=-.68; p=.03). Los resultados enriquecen la
discusión académica y las preguntas con respecto a la estandarización de la medida aversión
a la pérdida; con el objetivo de obtener resultados concluyentes.
Researches based on neuroeconomics have applications in economic models and in the evaluation of public policies. The objective of this work was to identify differences in activations of frontal cortical regions with different magnitudes of loss and gain that activate loss aversion. For this purpose, an experimental study was carried out with 12 participants, and the brain signals of the lenses were also recorded, while an experiment was carried out to recognize and reject a series of bets with different magnitudes of gain and loss for three terms. Experimental: attractive bet, indifferent bet and unattractive bet. No significant differences were found for the wave amplitude and the independent variables. However, a negative relationship between hemispheric asymmetry and loss aversion was found (r=-.68; p=.03). The results enrich the academic discussion and the questions regarding the standardization of the measure of aversion to loss; with the aim of obtaining conclusive results.
Researches based on neuroeconomics have applications in economic models and in the evaluation of public policies. The objective of this work was to identify differences in activations of frontal cortical regions with different magnitudes of loss and gain that activate loss aversion. For this purpose, an experimental study was carried out with 12 participants, and the brain signals of the lenses were also recorded, while an experiment was carried out to recognize and reject a series of bets with different magnitudes of gain and loss for three terms. Experimental: attractive bet, indifferent bet and unattractive bet. No significant differences were found for the wave amplitude and the independent variables. However, a negative relationship between hemispheric asymmetry and loss aversion was found (r=-.68; p=.03). The results enrich the academic discussion and the questions regarding the standardization of the measure of aversion to loss; with the aim of obtaining conclusive results.
Economía--Aspectos psicológicos, Elección (Psicología), Electroencefalografía
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