Los decretos de urgencia durante el interregno parlamentario en el Perú. Un riesgo de concentración del poder por parte del Presidente de la República
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En septiembre de 2019, el presidente peruano Martín Vizcarra disolvió el Congreso de
la República y convocó a elecciones legislativas extraordinarias. Durante el interregno
parlamentario que siguió; es decir, el tiempo entre la disolución del Congreso y la
instalación del nuevo, el Poder Ejecutivo asumió funciones legislativas mediante
decretos de urgencia, alegando que la Constitución le permitía legislar de manera
extraordinaria. Sin embargo, algunos académicos consideraron que estos decretos
abarcaron temas más allá de lo económico-financiero, representando un exceso de
El trabajo de investigación plantea dos hipótesis: que los decretos de urgencia
excedieron las materias constitucionales, y que carecieron de suficiente control político
para evitar la concentración de poder. Para ello, se hace un análisis cualitativo de los
decretos de urgencia expedidos durante el interregno parlamentario, su contenido y su
compatibilidad con el marco constitucional vigente, así como un recuento con lo
sucedido sobre dichas normas. El trabajo de investigación se divide en cinco capítulos
que incluyen un resumen sobre los decretos de urgencia, el contexto en el que son
emitidos, un apartado sobre el diseño metodológico, el estado de la cuestión sobre los
decretos de urgencia durante el interregno, y una evaluación de los decretos emitidos
en ese período, finalizando con las respectivas conclusiones.
In September 2019, Peruvian President Martín Vizcarra dissolved the Congress of the Republic and called for extraordinary legislative elections. During the ensuing parliamentary interregnum, which is the time between the dissolution of the Congress and the installation of the new one, the Executive branch assumed legislative functions through urgency decrees, arguing that the Constitution allowed for extraordinary legislative measures. However, some scholars argued that these decrees extended beyond economic and financial matters, representing an overreach of power. The research poses two hypotheses: that the urgency decrees exceeded the constitutional matters and that they lacked sufficient political control to prevent power concentration. To address two hypotheses, a qualitative analysis is conducted on the urgency decrees issued during the parliamentary interregnum, examining their content and compatibility with the current constitutional framework, as well as a review of the events surrounding these norms. The research is divided into five chapters that include a summary of the emergency decrees concept, the context in which they are issued, a section on the methodological design, the state of the art regarding emergency decrees during the interregnum, and a evaluation of the decrees issued in that period, ending with the respective conclusions.
In September 2019, Peruvian President Martín Vizcarra dissolved the Congress of the Republic and called for extraordinary legislative elections. During the ensuing parliamentary interregnum, which is the time between the dissolution of the Congress and the installation of the new one, the Executive branch assumed legislative functions through urgency decrees, arguing that the Constitution allowed for extraordinary legislative measures. However, some scholars argued that these decrees extended beyond economic and financial matters, representing an overreach of power. The research poses two hypotheses: that the urgency decrees exceeded the constitutional matters and that they lacked sufficient political control to prevent power concentration. To address two hypotheses, a qualitative analysis is conducted on the urgency decrees issued during the parliamentary interregnum, examining their content and compatibility with the current constitutional framework, as well as a review of the events surrounding these norms. The research is divided into five chapters that include a summary of the emergency decrees concept, the context in which they are issued, a section on the methodological design, the state of the art regarding emergency decrees during the interregnum, and a evaluation of the decrees issued in that period, ending with the respective conclusions.
Perú. Congreso, Poder ejecutivo--Perú, Decretos de urgencia--Perú, Poder (Ciencias sociales)--Perú, Derecho constitucional--Perú
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