Actividades complementarias ejercidas por las usuarias del Programa Juntos que contribuyen al desarrollo personal y familiar en el sector La Alameda, Distrito de Cajabamba, Provincia de Cajabamba, Departamento de Cajamarca, período 2016 - 2017
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La pobreza, hoy en día, es uno de los principales problemas que afecta a los
países Latinoamericanos, en especial a nuestro país; donde la tasa de pobreza es de
23.9% y un 4.7% de pobreza extrema; obstaculizando de esta manera que las familias
puedan cubrir sus principales necesidades de nutrición, salud, educación y vivienda. La
lucha contra la pobreza sigue siendo uno de los principales motivos para ejercer nuevas
políticas de mediano y largo plazo; así como el establecimiento de programas sociales
eficaces y efectivos, que permitan una reducción de la pobreza.
En nuestro país, el Programa JUNTOS, es el principal programa de transferencia
monetaria para hogares que se encuentran en pobreza y pobreza extrema, cuya finalidad
es disminuir las principales carencias y acumular capital humano por parte de las familias
El INEI, informó que, en el 2015, uno de los departamentos con mayor pobreza en
nuestro país, es Cajamarca, en la que más del 50% de su población son pobres. En
consideración de ello, tomamos como objeto de estudio el Sector La Alameda que se
encuentra dentro del distrito de Cajabamba, provincia de Cajabamba, Departamento de
Cajamarca; con la finalidad de conocer acciones complementarias que realicen las
usuarias del programa JUNTOS, que contribuyan al desarrollo integral personal y familiar.
Planteamos un estudio de caso como modelo de investigación, que permite
examinar a profundidad el objetivo de estudio. Al estudiar las valoraciones, percepciones
y niveles de conocimiento, es necesaria una exploración detallada, por encima de
conclusiones demostrativas o cuantificables, que permita dar explicaciones a las
conductas y costumbres de nuestra muestra significativa.
Encontramos que las usuarias, consideran que el incentivo económico recibido es
importante y significativo, pues atiende sus necesidades básicas. Así mismo, manejan
ideas claves en relación al concepto de educación, salud e identidad. Al lograr satisfacer
sus necesidades básicas, logran mantener aspiraciones de autorrealización, por tanto
buscan realizar actividades complementarias a las corresponsabilidades ejercidas como
parte del programa.
Finalmente, proponemos que a nivel de políticas sociales, la gerencia social
contribuye tanto al fortalecimiento socioeconómico como el bienestar psicosocial de la
población manteniendo una participación activa y responsable para su desarrollo.
Poverty, today, is one of the main problems affecting Latin American countries, especially our country; where the poverty rate is 23.9% and the extreme poverty rate is 4.7%; hindering in this way that families count on covering their main needs of nutrition, health, education and housing. The fight against poverty remains one of the main reasons for pursuing new medium- and long- term policies; as well as the creation of effective and effective social programs that allow a systematic reduction of poverty. In our country, the JUNTOS Program is the main money transfer program for households living in poverty and extreme poverty, whose purpose is to reduce the main deficiencies and to accumulate human capital by the beneficiary families. INEI reported that in 2015, one of the poorest departments in our country is Cajamarca, where more than 50% of its population are poor. In consideration of this, we take asobject of study the Sector The Alameda that is within the district of Cajabamba, province of Cajabamba, Department of Cajamarca; With the purpose of knowing complementary actions that the users of the JUNTOS program, that contribute to the integral personal and familiar development. We propose a case study as a research model, which allows us to examine the study objective in depth. When studying the valuations, perceptions and levels of knowledge, a detailed exploration is necessary, above demonstrative or quantifiable conclusions, that allows to explain to the behaviors and customs of our significant sample. We find that the users consider that the economic incentive received is important and significant, because it meets their basic needs. They also handle key ideas in relation to the concept of education, health and identity. By meeting their basic needs, they manage to maintain aspirations of self-realization; therefore, they seek to carry out complementary activities to the co-responsibilities exercised as part of the program. Finally, we propose that at the level of social policies, social management contributes both to socio-economic strengthening and the psychosocial well-being of the population, maintaining an active and responsible participation for its development.
Poverty, today, is one of the main problems affecting Latin American countries, especially our country; where the poverty rate is 23.9% and the extreme poverty rate is 4.7%; hindering in this way that families count on covering their main needs of nutrition, health, education and housing. The fight against poverty remains one of the main reasons for pursuing new medium- and long- term policies; as well as the creation of effective and effective social programs that allow a systematic reduction of poverty. In our country, the JUNTOS Program is the main money transfer program for households living in poverty and extreme poverty, whose purpose is to reduce the main deficiencies and to accumulate human capital by the beneficiary families. INEI reported that in 2015, one of the poorest departments in our country is Cajamarca, where more than 50% of its population are poor. In consideration of this, we take asobject of study the Sector The Alameda that is within the district of Cajabamba, province of Cajabamba, Department of Cajamarca; With the purpose of knowing complementary actions that the users of the JUNTOS program, that contribute to the integral personal and familiar development. We propose a case study as a research model, which allows us to examine the study objective in depth. When studying the valuations, perceptions and levels of knowledge, a detailed exploration is necessary, above demonstrative or quantifiable conclusions, that allows to explain to the behaviors and customs of our significant sample. We find that the users consider that the economic incentive received is important and significant, because it meets their basic needs. They also handle key ideas in relation to the concept of education, health and identity. By meeting their basic needs, they manage to maintain aspirations of self-realization; therefore, they seek to carry out complementary activities to the co-responsibilities exercised as part of the program. Finally, we propose that at the level of social policies, social management contributes both to socio-economic strengthening and the psychosocial well-being of the population, maintaining an active and responsible participation for its development.
Desarrollo social--Perú--Cajamarca, Política social--Perú, Programas sociales--Perú, Pobreza
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