El mobbing en obreros de construcción de Lima Metropolitana
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El estudio tiene como propósito desarrollar la definición del Mobbing en el área de
construcción civil, reconocer las causas, tácticas y factores que ayuden a identificarlo en
dicho contexto. La investigación fue exploratoria por lo cual se realizó por medio de una
entrevista semiestructurada y la muestra estuvo conformada por treinta obreros de tres
obras de construcción civil. La información recolectada del estudio coincide en parte con la
teoría presentada, pero se han reconocido la presencia de nuevos determinantes, causas y
tácticas del Mobbing en este contexto laboral.
Abstract The present study aims the development the definition of Mobbing in the area of civil construction, recognized the causes, tactics and elements that help to identify it in that context. The exploratory research was obtained with a semi structured interview and the sample was developed by thirty workers of three civil constructions. The recollected information on some aspects coincides with the theory presented before; however they have recognized the presence of new factors, causes and tactics of Mobbing in these work contexts.
Abstract The present study aims the development the definition of Mobbing in the area of civil construction, recognized the causes, tactics and elements that help to identify it in that context. The exploratory research was obtained with a semi structured interview and the sample was developed by thirty workers of three civil constructions. The recollected information on some aspects coincides with the theory presented before; however they have recognized the presence of new factors, causes and tactics of Mobbing in these work contexts.
Violencia en el trabajo -- Perú -- Lima., Trabajadores de la construcción -- Acoso.
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