Análisis Financiero sector cementero UNACEM, Cementos ARGOS y CEMEX
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como propósito realizar el análisis
financiero, valorización y propuestas de mejora de acuerdo a los estados financieros
separados para las compañías: Unión Andina de Cementos S.A.A. (UNACEM), Cementos
Argos (Argos) y Cemex S.A.B de C.V. (Cemex), para ello se requirió investigar las
principales variables del negocio como la historia, líneas de negocio, productos, presencia,
principales políticas y cadena de valor en general; además de analizar la industria
cementera en cada país de origen, el top of mind de cada una frente a su competencia, los
riesgos propios o sistémicos a los cuales se encuentran expuestas. Así también, el análisis
de la información financiera separada, reporte anual e información publicada en su
respectivo mercado de valores entre los periodos 2015 a 2019.
En Perú, Colombia y México el sector construcción es uno de los más importantes
para el desarrollo económico y social de cada país. El cemento es uno de los insumos más
importantes dentro de la cartera de proyectos para la inversión privada con la construcción
de viviendas y para el gasto público en la ejecución de obras que buscan mejorar la
infraestructura y competitividad de cada nación. En estos países el desarrollo de
infraestructura ha sido deficiente los últimos años lo que ha generado una brecha
importante entre los sectores económicos a pesar del apoyo y fomento de la reactivación
económica de cada gobierno.
Esta investigación se divide en nueve capítulos. El Capítulo I, muestra la situación
sectorial de cada empresa; así como de su entorno macroeconómico, y las características de
cada empresa a nivel individual. En el Capítulo II, se muestran los principales indicadores
de mercado a nivel consolidado de cada empresa. En el Capítulo III, se desarrolla el análisis
financiero de las empresas UNACEM, Cementos Argos y CEMEX que nos da a conocer la
importancia del negocio y su relación directa con el sector construcción. En el Capítulo IV, se identifican los principales Value Drivers de mercado, empresa y riesgo para las tres
compañías. En el Capítulo V, se realizó el modelamiento financiero con los principales
supuestos para la valorización de cada empresa. En el Capítulo VI, se describe la estructura
de capital de cada empresa, destacando las fuentes de financiamiento a las que están
expuestas cada una de ellas. En el Capítulo VII, se muestra un análisis comparativo de las
tres empresas a nivel individual. En el Capítulo VIII, se realizó las recomendaciones de
reestructuración de cada empresa para mejorar la valorización. Finalmente, en el Capítulo
IX se realizó las conclusiones y recomendaciones de la investigación.
The purpose of this research work is to analyse the financial situation, valuation and improvement proposals according to the separate financial statements for the companies: Unión Andina de Cementos S.A.A. (UNACEM), Cementos Argos (Argos) and Cemex S.A.B de C.V. (Cemex), for this it was necessary to investigate the main variables of the business such as history, lines of business, products, presence, main policies and value chain in general; In addition to analyzing the cement industry in each country, the top of mind of each one compared to its competition, the own or systemic risks to which they are exposed. In addition, the analysis of the separate financial information, annual report and information published in its respective stock market between the periods 2015 to 2019. In Peru, Colombia and Mexico, the construction sector is one of the most important for the economic and social development of each country. Cement is one of the most important inputs within the portfolio of projects for private investment in housing construction and for public projetcs that seek to improve the infrastructure and competitiveness of each nation. In these countries, infrastructure development has been deficient in recent years, which has generated a significant gap between economic sectors despite the support and promotion of economic reactivation by each government. This research is divided into nine chapters. Chapter I shows the sectoral situation of each company; as well as its macroeconomic environment, and the characteristics of each company at an individual level. Chapter II shows the main market indicators at a consolidated level for each company. In Chapter III, the financial analysis of the companies UNACEM, Cementos Argos and CEMEX is developed, which reveals the importance of the business and its direct relationship with the construction sector. In Chapter IV, the main Value Drivers of the market, company and risk for the three companies are identified. In Chapter V, the financial modeling was carried out with the main assumptions for the valuation of each company. In Chapter VI, the capital structure of each company is described, highlighting the sources of financing to which each of them is exposed. In Chapter VII, a comparative analysis of the three companies at the individual level is shown. In Chapter VIII, the restructuring recommendations of each company were made to improve the valuation. Finally, in Chapter IX the conclusions and recommendations of the investigation were made.
The purpose of this research work is to analyse the financial situation, valuation and improvement proposals according to the separate financial statements for the companies: Unión Andina de Cementos S.A.A. (UNACEM), Cementos Argos (Argos) and Cemex S.A.B de C.V. (Cemex), for this it was necessary to investigate the main variables of the business such as history, lines of business, products, presence, main policies and value chain in general; In addition to analyzing the cement industry in each country, the top of mind of each one compared to its competition, the own or systemic risks to which they are exposed. In addition, the analysis of the separate financial information, annual report and information published in its respective stock market between the periods 2015 to 2019. In Peru, Colombia and Mexico, the construction sector is one of the most important for the economic and social development of each country. Cement is one of the most important inputs within the portfolio of projects for private investment in housing construction and for public projetcs that seek to improve the infrastructure and competitiveness of each nation. In these countries, infrastructure development has been deficient in recent years, which has generated a significant gap between economic sectors despite the support and promotion of economic reactivation by each government. This research is divided into nine chapters. Chapter I shows the sectoral situation of each company; as well as its macroeconomic environment, and the characteristics of each company at an individual level. Chapter II shows the main market indicators at a consolidated level for each company. In Chapter III, the financial analysis of the companies UNACEM, Cementos Argos and CEMEX is developed, which reveals the importance of the business and its direct relationship with the construction sector. In Chapter IV, the main Value Drivers of the market, company and risk for the three companies are identified. In Chapter V, the financial modeling was carried out with the main assumptions for the valuation of each company. In Chapter VI, the capital structure of each company is described, highlighting the sources of financing to which each of them is exposed. In Chapter VII, a comparative analysis of the three companies at the individual level is shown. In Chapter VIII, the restructuring recommendations of each company were made to improve the valuation. Finally, in Chapter IX the conclusions and recommendations of the investigation were made.
Empresas--Finanzas, Estados financieros--Análisis, Industria del cemento
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