Percepciones de docentes de colegios privados regulares de Lima sobre el programa de inclusión escolar
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente es una investigación cualitativa que se centra en conocer las percepciones de los docentes de colegios privados de Lima sobre el programa de inclusión escolar. Se realizó una entrevista semi-estructurada a 6 docentes con experiencias en inclusión y a 6 docentes sin experiencias en inclusión de 3 escuelas de lima que estaban implementando el programa de inclusión escolar. No se encontraron mayores diferencias entre los subgrupos de docentes con y sin experiencia. Los resultados mostraron que los docentes perciben que para la implementación del programa es necesario realizar actividades en cuatro aspectos principalmente: el pedagógico, el institucional, los padres de familia y el aula. Además, los profesores mencionaron la necesidad de recibir capacitación y tiempo extra para poder atender sus casos de inclusión. Los docentes encontraron más desventajas en el programa de inclusión escolar que ventajas. Las desventajas principales que mencionaron estaban relacionadas a la sobrecarga de trabajo, tiempo insuficiente, la relación con los padres y dificultades con los alumnos incluidos y regulares. Finalmente, las conclusiones más resaltantes son que los docentes se centran generalmente en la discapacidad de los alumnos incluidos, lo cual puede causar que tengan bajas expectativas sobre su rendimiento académico, demandan más capacitaciones, tiempo y apoyo de la escuela.
In Perú the inclusion program is relatively new, there are not many national investigations that care to study the teacher’s perceptions. The present study, is a qualitative investigation that focuses on learning the perception of private school teachers towards the inclusion program in Lima. A semi-structural interview was made to 6 teachers with experience in inclusion and 3 without experience in inclusion located in lima, which are implementing the inclusion program. The results showed that there weren’t many differences between teachers with and without experience in inclusion. Teachers perceive that it is necessary to do activities in 4 principal aspects: pedagogical, institutional, parents and classroom. They mention the necessity to have more capacitation and extra time to dedicate to their inclusion cases. Also, teachers found more disadvantages than advantages in mainstreaming. The most common disadvantages mention by the teachers refers to the overwork, insufficient time, the relationship with parents with disable and regular students. Finally, the most outstanding conclusions are that teachers generally focus their attention on the disability of the student that could cause low academic expectations towards them and, also, they demand more training, time and support from the school.
In Perú the inclusion program is relatively new, there are not many national investigations that care to study the teacher’s perceptions. The present study, is a qualitative investigation that focuses on learning the perception of private school teachers towards the inclusion program in Lima. A semi-structural interview was made to 6 teachers with experience in inclusion and 3 without experience in inclusion located in lima, which are implementing the inclusion program. The results showed that there weren’t many differences between teachers with and without experience in inclusion. Teachers perceive that it is necessary to do activities in 4 principal aspects: pedagogical, institutional, parents and classroom. They mention the necessity to have more capacitation and extra time to dedicate to their inclusion cases. Also, teachers found more disadvantages than advantages in mainstreaming. The most common disadvantages mention by the teachers refers to the overwork, insufficient time, the relationship with parents with disable and regular students. Finally, the most outstanding conclusions are that teachers generally focus their attention on the disability of the student that could cause low academic expectations towards them and, also, they demand more training, time and support from the school.
Educación inclusiva--Perú--Lima, Educación de niños con discapacidad
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