Plan financiero empresarial para la Compañía de Minas Buenaventura S.A.A.
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Los mercados financieros en los últimos años han sido duramente golpeados por una recesión mundial que no se veía desde el 2008. Claro, aunque no se está en un colapso, varios indicadores permiten ver el desaceleramiento global al que se debe prestar mucha atención. Con las potencias como China y EE. UU. en un estancamiento económico, la caída de precios de los commodities, que afectan la inversión y el desarrollo, los problemas de la zona euro, que cada vez vuelven inminente su ruptura, y el problema ecológico que sufre el mundo, nos hacen analizar y proponer nuevas estrategias financieras que permitan sostener la economía de la empresa en tiempos difíciles. En una vista más aislada, el Perú no ha sido indiferente a estos problemas, y más aún, cuando somos una economía dependiente del mundo, nuestra principal fuente de ingresos es la explotación responsable y formal de los recursos naturales. Este país tiene la ventaja de ser el primer o el segundo productor mundial de los principales metales necesarios para fabricar productos industriales y de consumo, lo que nos permite generar ingresos para invertir transmitiendo nuevas tecnologías, infraestructuras, insumos, inversiones y bienes de capital. La minería para el Perú representaba el 10% de su PBI en 2014. De esta manera, el PBI minero habría caído en 2.11%, pero la sorpresa se dio en diciembre 2015, donde el sector Minería e Hidrocarburos se expandió en 22.36%, impulsado por el dinamismo de la actividad minera metálica, que representa el 84% del peso del sector. Considerando esto, y siendo un país minero, el efecto mundial se ve reflejado en nuestra plaza local, por lo que, en el 2015, la bolsa limeña anotó su peor desempeño en siete años con un desplome del índice general en un 33.4% por el bajo valor de los metales; lo cual significó la mayor caída desde el 2008. No solo el problema en los mercados afecta la industria, sino también se convive con el problema de la minería informal que controla entre el 15% y 18% de la producción de oro en el Perú, lo que explica los movimientos migratorios al interior del país con relación al ciclo del precio del oro y otros factores que afectan el ciclo del negocio, como nuevas infraestructuras, problemas sociales, responsabilidad ecológica y decisiones políticas que exigen nuevas estrategias empresariales. Esto nos permite tener una idea de cuán difícil es mantener sólida un empresa del rubro minero. Por ello, decidimos elaborar un plan financiero para la Compañía de Minas Buenaventura, que se encuentra comprometida con la explotación, tratamiento y exploración de oro, plata y demás metales en minas que poseen el 100%, así como en aquellas en las que participa en sociedad con otras empresas minera. Este plan financiero realiza un análisis económico y un análisis estratégico, mediante herramientas y metodologías de investigación, para lograr evaluar correctamente la empresa, su sector y su entorno. De esta manera, se proponen estrategias financieras que le permitan al accionista maximizar su rentabilidad con una adecuada gestión de riesgos, potenciar la solidez económica de la empresa frente a los acreedores y confrontar futuros retos que pueden afectar el desarrollo de un país
Financial markets in recent years have been hit hard by a global recession not seen again since 2008. Although we are not in a collapse, several indicators make us see the global slowdown that we must pay close attention, with powers like China and USA in economic stagnation, falling commodity prices, affecting investment and development, the problems of the Euro zone which increasingly imminent return to rupture, and the ecological problem afflicting the world, makes us analyze and propose new financial strategies to sustain the economy of the company in difficult times. In a more isolated view, Peru has not been indifferent to these problems, and even more, when we are an economy dependent to the world and our main source of income is responsible and formal exploitation of the natural resources, where we are blessed. Peru has the advantage of being the first or second largest producer of major metals needed to manufacture industrial and consumer products, this allows us to generate income to invest in bringing new technology, infrastructure, inputs and capital goods investment. Peru Mining accounts for 10% of GDP, in 2014 the mining GDP would have fallen 2.11%, but the surprise came in December 2015 when the mining and hydrocarbons sector expanded by 22.36%, driven by the dynamism of the metallic mining which is 84% of the weight of the sector. Considering this, and being a mining country, the global effect is reflected in our local market; in 2015 the Lima Stock Exchange posted its worst performance in seven years with a collapse of the overall index by 33.4% for the low value metals, being the biggest drop since 2008. Not only the problem in the markets affect the industry, but also with informal mining which controls between 15% and 18% of gold production in Peru, explaining migration within the country in relation to the gold price cycle and other factors affecting the business cycle, such as, new infrastructure, social, ecological responsibility and political decisions that require new business strategies. This allows us to get an idea of how difficult is to maintain a solid firm in the mining sector, that`s why we decided to develop a financial plan for Minera Buenaventura´s Company which is committed with the exploitation, processing, and exploration of gold, silver and other metal mines which owns 100%, as well as, in which participates in partnership with other mining companies. This financial plan carry out an economic analysis and strategic analysis, using tools and research methodologies in order to properly evaluate the company, its sector and its environment. In this way, we propose financial strategies that will allow the shareholder maximize profitability with adequate risk management, enhance the economic strength of the company from creditors, and confront future challenges that may affect the development of a country
Financial markets in recent years have been hit hard by a global recession not seen again since 2008. Although we are not in a collapse, several indicators make us see the global slowdown that we must pay close attention, with powers like China and USA in economic stagnation, falling commodity prices, affecting investment and development, the problems of the Euro zone which increasingly imminent return to rupture, and the ecological problem afflicting the world, makes us analyze and propose new financial strategies to sustain the economy of the company in difficult times. In a more isolated view, Peru has not been indifferent to these problems, and even more, when we are an economy dependent to the world and our main source of income is responsible and formal exploitation of the natural resources, where we are blessed. Peru has the advantage of being the first or second largest producer of major metals needed to manufacture industrial and consumer products, this allows us to generate income to invest in bringing new technology, infrastructure, inputs and capital goods investment. Peru Mining accounts for 10% of GDP, in 2014 the mining GDP would have fallen 2.11%, but the surprise came in December 2015 when the mining and hydrocarbons sector expanded by 22.36%, driven by the dynamism of the metallic mining which is 84% of the weight of the sector. Considering this, and being a mining country, the global effect is reflected in our local market; in 2015 the Lima Stock Exchange posted its worst performance in seven years with a collapse of the overall index by 33.4% for the low value metals, being the biggest drop since 2008. Not only the problem in the markets affect the industry, but also with informal mining which controls between 15% and 18% of gold production in Peru, explaining migration within the country in relation to the gold price cycle and other factors affecting the business cycle, such as, new infrastructure, social, ecological responsibility and political decisions that require new business strategies. This allows us to get an idea of how difficult is to maintain a solid firm in the mining sector, that`s why we decided to develop a financial plan for Minera Buenaventura´s Company which is committed with the exploitation, processing, and exploration of gold, silver and other metal mines which owns 100%, as well as, in which participates in partnership with other mining companies. This financial plan carry out an economic analysis and strategic analysis, using tools and research methodologies in order to properly evaluate the company, its sector and its environment. In this way, we propose financial strategies that will allow the shareholder maximize profitability with adequate risk management, enhance the economic strength of the company from creditors, and confront future challenges that may affect the development of a country
Planificación financiera, Minería
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