Razonamiento moral acerca de las medidas preventivas del COVID-19 en adultos de Lima Metropolitana
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El objetivo del estudio fue describir el razonamiento moral acerca de las medidas
preventivas del COVID-19 en adultos de Lima Metropolitana. Se utilizó una entrevista
cualitativa semiestructurada compuesta por situaciones de conflicto relacionadas a las medidas
preventivas del COVID-19, construida para esta investigación. Los resultados principales
evidencian que los participantes, en su aproximación a las medidas preventivas del COVID-
19, exhiben una variedad de posturas y formas de razonar moralmente. Algunos participantes
priorizan el cumplimento de las medidas preventivas del COVID-19 por razones morales
orientadas al bien común, mientras que otros priorizan el cumplimento basándose solamente
en la norma o en fines individuales. La variabilidad encontrada en este estudio en cuanto a los
tipos de posturas y las formas de razonar moralmente plantea la necesidad de repensar la
educación moral y ciudadana, y las formas de abordar las estrategias comunicacionales sobre
salud pública en la actual pandemia
The objective of the study was to describe the moral reasoning about preventive measures for COVID-19 in adults in Metropolitan Lima. A semi-structured qualitative interview composed of conflict situations related to COVID-19 preventive measures, built for this research. The main results show that the participants, in their approach to the preventive measures of COVID-19, exhibit a variety of positions and ways of moral reasoning. Some participants prioritize compliance with preventive measures of COVID-19 for moral reasons aimed at the common good, while others prioritize compliance based solely on the norm or on individual purposes. The variability found in this study in the types of postures and forms of moral reasoning raises the need to rethink moral and citizenship education, and the ways of addressing communication strategies on public health in the current pandemic.
The objective of the study was to describe the moral reasoning about preventive measures for COVID-19 in adults in Metropolitan Lima. A semi-structured qualitative interview composed of conflict situations related to COVID-19 preventive measures, built for this research. The main results show that the participants, in their approach to the preventive measures of COVID-19, exhibit a variety of positions and ways of moral reasoning. Some participants prioritize compliance with preventive measures of COVID-19 for moral reasons aimed at the common good, while others prioritize compliance based solely on the norm or on individual purposes. The variability found in this study in the types of postures and forms of moral reasoning raises the need to rethink moral and citizenship education, and the ways of addressing communication strategies on public health in the current pandemic.
COVID-19 (Enfermedad)--Perú, Adultos--Aspectos psicológicos, Salud pública--Perú--Lima Metropolitana, Psicología--Aspectos morales y éticos
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