Soluciones digitales (UX y UI) en el diseño de la identidad visual de marcas
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Este trabajo de suficiencia profesional describe tres proyectos de diseño
realizados durante 2017 y 2022, que evidencian los roles del diseño gráfico,
desde la dirección de arte, gestión de proyectos de diseño, identidad visual y
marca, producción digital, diseño web con los enfoques UX y UI para páginas
webs, intranets, extranets, kioscos multimedia, aplicaciones móviles (APP) y
campañas para redes sociales. Cada uno de los proyectos seleccionados
contribuyen al logro de objetivos comunicacionales, informativos, promocionales,
de posicionamiento y de negocio, para mejorar la relación de las marcas con sus
usuarios. La página web Perú Travel de PROMPERÚ posiciona al país como un
importante destino del turismo receptivo y ha sido reconocida por la World Travel
Awards en el 2022 como la mejor página web de una autoridad turística de
América Latina y en el 2021 como la mejor página web de una autoridad turística
del mundo. La APP Banca Móvil del Banco de Crédito del Perú ha mejorado la
experiencia de los usuarios y la relación con sus finanzas, al permitirles digitalizar
actividades que antes efectuaban de manera presencial. El rediseño de la APP
de Yape, así como su identidad visual, afianza su posicionamiento en el mercado
nacional y extiende su contribución a la inclusión financiera y las microfinanzas
de 10 millones de usuarios de esta solución.
This work of professional sufficiency describes three design projects carried out during 2017 and 2022 and demonstrate the roles of graphic design, from art direction, design project management, visual identity and branding, digital production, web design with UX and UI approaches for websites, intranets, extranets, multimedia kiosks, mobile applications (APPs) and campaigns for social networks. Each of the selected projects contributes to the achievement of communicational, informational, promotional, positioning and business objectives to improve the relationship between brands and their users. PROMPERÚ's Perú Travel webpage positions the country as an important inbound tourism destination and has been recognized by the World Travel Awards in 2022 as the best webpage for a tourism authority in Latin America and in 2021 as the best webpage for a tourism authority in the world. Banco de Crédito del Perú´s Mobile Banking APP has improved the user experience and the relationship with their finances by allowing them to digitize activities that were previously carried out in person. The redesign of Yape's APP, as well as its visual identity, strengthens its positioning in the national market and extends its contribution to the financial inclusion and microfinance of the 10 million users of this solution.
This work of professional sufficiency describes three design projects carried out during 2017 and 2022 and demonstrate the roles of graphic design, from art direction, design project management, visual identity and branding, digital production, web design with UX and UI approaches for websites, intranets, extranets, multimedia kiosks, mobile applications (APPs) and campaigns for social networks. Each of the selected projects contributes to the achievement of communicational, informational, promotional, positioning and business objectives to improve the relationship between brands and their users. PROMPERÚ's Perú Travel webpage positions the country as an important inbound tourism destination and has been recognized by the World Travel Awards in 2022 as the best webpage for a tourism authority in Latin America and in 2021 as the best webpage for a tourism authority in the world. Banco de Crédito del Perú´s Mobile Banking APP has improved the user experience and the relationship with their finances by allowing them to digitize activities that were previously carried out in person. The redesign of Yape's APP, as well as its visual identity, strengthens its positioning in the national market and extends its contribution to the financial inclusion and microfinance of the 10 million users of this solution.
Diseño gráfico, Imagen y diseño corporativo, Marcas de fábrica, Proyectos