La anulación del laudo por inexistencia de motivación
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El presente informe tiene como fin principal demostrar que no existe la
posibilidad, dentro de la vía arbitral, de cuestionar la inexistencia de motivación
en el laudo arbitral. Para poder explicar ello se ha dividido el trabajo en tres
capítulos. El primero de ellos tiene como objetivo otorgar un panorama general
respecto al recurso de anulación de laudo revisando el artículo 62 de la Ley de
Arbitraje respecto a la prohibición existente sobre la revisión de la motivación
expuesta por el Tribunal Arbitral. De igual manera, se analizarán los vicios de
motivación existentes otorgando especial atención a la inexistencia de
motivación y la motivación aparente. El segundo capítulo se enfocará en las
solicitudes contra laudo que pueden ser interpuestas ante el Tribunal Arbitral. La
exposición se centrará en los recursos de interpretación y de integración
describiendo la finalidad de cada uno. Luego de ello, se determinará si es que
es posible establecer una relación entre la inexistencia de motivación y los
recursos contra laudo analizados; y después, se ofrecerá un análisis respecto a
la revisión de la jurisprudencia de las Salas Superiores sobre el tema. En el tercer
capítulo se observará el artículo 63 de la Ley de Arbitraje, examinando dos de
las causales de anulación de laudo detalladas: b y c. Con ello se pretenderá
examinar si la inexistencia de motivación podría ser alegada por alguna de las
dos causales y en caso llegase a ser así cuáles serían las consecuencias de la
anulación de laudo por ambas.
The main purpose of this report is to demonstrate that there is no possibility, within the arbitral process, to challenge the lack of motivation in the arbitral award. In order to explain this, the work has been divided into three chapters. The first of these has the objective of providing a general overview of the appeal against an arbitral award, reviewing the article 62 of the Arbitration Law regarding the existing prohibition on reviewing the motivation provided by the Arbitral Tribunal. In the same way, the existing motivation defects will be analyzed, paying special attention to the lack of motivation and the apparent motivation. The second chapter will focus on the requests against an award that can be filed before the Arbitral Tribunal. The exposition will focus on the interpretation and integral appeal, describing the purpose of each one. After that, it will be determined whether it is possible to establish a relationship between the lack of motivation and the appeals against an award analyzed; and then, an analysis will be offered regarding the review of the jurisprudence of the Superior Chambers on the subject. In the third chapter, the article 63 of the Arbitration Law will be observed, examining two of the grounds for annulment of an award detailed: b and c. With this, it is intended to examine whether the lack of motivation could be alleged by any of the two grounds and in case it was to be so, what would be the consequences of the annulment of an award by both.
The main purpose of this report is to demonstrate that there is no possibility, within the arbitral process, to challenge the lack of motivation in the arbitral award. In order to explain this, the work has been divided into three chapters. The first of these has the objective of providing a general overview of the appeal against an arbitral award, reviewing the article 62 of the Arbitration Law regarding the existing prohibition on reviewing the motivation provided by the Arbitral Tribunal. In the same way, the existing motivation defects will be analyzed, paying special attention to the lack of motivation and the apparent motivation. The second chapter will focus on the requests against an award that can be filed before the Arbitral Tribunal. The exposition will focus on the interpretation and integral appeal, describing the purpose of each one. After that, it will be determined whether it is possible to establish a relationship between the lack of motivation and the appeals against an award analyzed; and then, an analysis will be offered regarding the review of the jurisprudence of the Superior Chambers on the subject. In the third chapter, the article 63 of the Arbitration Law will be observed, examining two of the grounds for annulment of an award detailed: b and c. With this, it is intended to examine whether the lack of motivation could be alleged by any of the two grounds and in case it was to be so, what would be the consequences of the annulment of an award by both.
Arbitraje y laudo--Perú, Nulidad (Derecho)--Perú, Derecho procesal--Perú