Gestión de mecanismos para reducir la brecha de acceso al libro y la lectura a través de la implementación de bibliotecas públicas
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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Este proyecto se enfoca en proponer innovaciones para la gestión de
mecanismos orientados a reducir la brecha de acceso al libro y a la lectura a
través de la implementación de bibliotecas públicas. Se identifica el problema
público asociado al fomento del libro, la lectura y las bibliotecas, así como se
procede a definir conceptos claves y analizar las causas directas e indirectas
del problema público identificando atributos cuantitativos y cualitativos mediante
la revisión documental, bibliográfica, de datos estadísticos y de entrevistas
grupales. Una vez identificados las causas directas e indirectas, las mismas
fueron traducidas a medios priorizándose los siguientes medios: medio indirecto
relacionado a “Bibliotecas, espacios no convencionales y articulados para cada
ciclo de vida de la persona”, particularmente asociado a la formulación de un
mecanismo para la implementación de bibliotecas públicas. La segunda
prioridad, está constituida por el medio indirecto referido al “Adecuado desarrollo
de colecciones diversas, con énfasis en la producción local y la equidad de
género a través de compras públicas”. Por último, la tercera prioridad está
vinculada al “Aumento de mecanismos para incentivar proyectos de acceso a la
lectura”. Finalmente los medios seleccionados se decantan en innovaciones
relacionadas a propuestas de corte normativo, organizacionales y técnicas, tales
como: la reformulación de la normativa referida a FONDOLIBRO, regulando
desde su administración, financiamiento y nuevos fines a tratar, proponiendo una
regulación que facilite la gestión de recursos y la implementación de un Consejo
Directivo que tome decisiones sobre las líneas de financiamiento y una
Secretaría Técnica que ejecute lo acordado en el Consejo Directivo; propuesta
de modificatoria del literal i) del Articulo N°100 del Capítulo VII “Contratación
directa” del Reglamento de Ley de Contrataciones del Estado para que la
adquisición de materiales bibliográficos; proponer una nueva propuesta de Ley
de Depósito Legal y diseño de una meta en el programa de incentivos
impulsado por el Ministeriode Economía y Finanzas.
This project focuses on proposing innovations for the management of mechanisms aimed at reducing the gap in access to books and reading through the implementation of public libraries. The public problem associated with the promotion of books, reading and libraries is identified, as well as proceeding to define key concepts and analyze the direct and indirect causes of the public problem by identifying quantitative and qualitative attributes through the documentary, bibliographic, statistical data review and group interviews. Once the direct and indirect causes were identified, they were translated into media, prioritizing the following means: indirect means related to "Libraries, nonconventional and articulated spaces for each life cycle of the person", particularly associated with the formulation of a mechanism for the implementation of public libraries. The second priority is constituted by theindirect means referred to the "Adequate development of diverse collections, with emphasis on local production and gender equity through public procurement". Finally, the third priority is linked to the "Increase of mechanisms to encourage access to reading projects". Finally, the selected media opted for innovations related to normative, organizational and technical proposals, such as: the reformulation of the regulations referred to FONDOLIBRO, regulating from its administration, financing and new purposes to be treated, proposing a regulation that facilitates the management of resources and the implementation of a Board of Directors that makes decisions on the lines of financing and a Technical Secretariat that executes what was agreed upon in the Board of Directors; proposal to amend letter i) of Article N ° 100 of Chapter VII "Direct Contracting" of the Regulation on the Contracting Law of the State for the acquisition of bibliographic materials; propose a new legal deposit proposal and design a goal in the incentive program promoted by the Ministry of Economy and Finance.
This project focuses on proposing innovations for the management of mechanisms aimed at reducing the gap in access to books and reading through the implementation of public libraries. The public problem associated with the promotion of books, reading and libraries is identified, as well as proceeding to define key concepts and analyze the direct and indirect causes of the public problem by identifying quantitative and qualitative attributes through the documentary, bibliographic, statistical data review and group interviews. Once the direct and indirect causes were identified, they were translated into media, prioritizing the following means: indirect means related to "Libraries, nonconventional and articulated spaces for each life cycle of the person", particularly associated with the formulation of a mechanism for the implementation of public libraries. The second priority is constituted by theindirect means referred to the "Adequate development of diverse collections, with emphasis on local production and gender equity through public procurement". Finally, the third priority is linked to the "Increase of mechanisms to encourage access to reading projects". Finally, the selected media opted for innovations related to normative, organizational and technical proposals, such as: the reformulation of the regulations referred to FONDOLIBRO, regulating from its administration, financing and new purposes to be treated, proposing a regulation that facilitates the management of resources and the implementation of a Board of Directors that makes decisions on the lines of financing and a Technical Secretariat that executes what was agreed upon in the Board of Directors; proposal to amend letter i) of Article N ° 100 of Chapter VII "Direct Contracting" of the Regulation on the Contracting Law of the State for the acquisition of bibliographic materials; propose a new legal deposit proposal and design a goal in the incentive program promoted by the Ministry of Economy and Finance.
Bibliotecas públicas--Administración--Perú, Lectura--Aspectos sociales--Perú, Política educativa--Perú
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