Aplicativo Web denominado Sistema de Inversiones en Salud – SISA, para mejorar la oportunidad en la ejecución de los proyectos de inversión en salud, realizados por el PRONIS
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.
El presente proyecto de innovación aborda el problema de inoportunidad en la
ejecución de proyectos de inversión de hospitales, ejecutados por el Ministerio de Salud
a través de convenios de cooperación institucional suscritos por el Programa Nacional
de Inversiones en Salud – PRONIS y los Gobiernos Regionales y Locales. Para ello se
analizó y tomó como casos de estudio 06 proyectos de inversiones que venían siendo
ejecutados por el PRONIS; determinándose que los principales factores que
ocasionaron los retrasos en la ejecución, fueron: La limitada capacidad técnica, de
gestión y articulación de los actores que intervienen en la ejecución de los proyectos de
inversión, y el limitado acceso a información para el adecuado monitoreo, coordinación
en la planificación y ejecución de los proyectos de inversión.
Ante tal situación, se plantea el Proyecto de Innovación “Aplicativo web denominado
Sistema de Inversiones en Salud – SISA, para mejorar la oportunidad de la ejecución
de los proyectos de inversión en salud, ejecutados por el PRONIS”, como una
herramienta de “Orquestación” de datos e información de los aplicativos informáticos
públicos existentes: Módulo de Programación Multianual de Inversiones – MPMI,
Sistema Integrado de Administración Financiera - SIAF, Sistema Integrado de Gestión
Administrativa - SIGA, Sistema Electrónico de Contrataciones del Estado – SEACE y el
Sistema de Seguimiento de Inversiones-SSI, que permita el adecuado seguimiento,
coordinación y articulación de los diversos actores que intervienen en la gestión de
proyectos de inversión pública, para lograr la culminación oportuna de los mismos.
Dicha orquestación está referida a construir una trazabilidad de cada proyecto de
inversión, es decir, saber el estado actual y los procesos o actividades pendientes hasta
la culminación del mismo, permitiendo ello tener mapeada las actividades principales,
hitos, plazos y responsables, lo cual facilitaría el seguimiento al cumplimiento de
actividades y la coordinación y articulación entre los actores involucrados, ya sean
públicos o privados, para su oportuna culminación y puesta en operación. La obtención
de datos de los aplicativos informáticos públicos se realizará a través de la Plataforma
de Interoperabilidad del Estado – PIDE, infraestructura tecnológica que permite el
intercambio electrónico de datos, entre entidades del Estado.
Además, el aplicativo contará con un sistema de alertas que enviará mensajes de
textos o correos electrónicos a los involucrados que tengan bajo su responsabilidad la
realización de actividades relacionadas al proyecto de inversión, alertándolos sobre
alguna acción próxima a vencer, vencida o de alguna situación de la cual tengan que
adoptar medidas inmediatas.
This innovation project addresses the problem of inopportunity in the execution of hospital investment projects, executed by the Ministry of Health through institutional cooperation agreements signed by the National Program of Investments in Health - PRONIS and the Regional and Local Governments. To do this, 06 investment projects that were being executed by PRONIS were analyzed and used as case studies; determining that the main factors that caused the delays in execution were: The limited technical capacity, management and coordination of the actors involved in the execution of investment projects, and the limited access to information for adequate monitoring, coordination in the planning and execution of investment projects. In such a situation, the Innovation Project "Web application called the Health Investment System - SISA, is proposed to improve the opportunity of executing health investment projects, executed by PRONIS", as a tool for "Orchestration" of data and information on existing public computer applications: Multi-Annual Investment Programming Module - MPMI, Integrated System of Financial Administration - SIAF, Integrated System of Administrative Management - SIGA, Electronic System of State Procurement - SEACE and the Monitoring System of Inversiones-SSI, that allows the adequate follow-up, coordination and articulation of the various actors involved in the management of public investment projects, in order to achieve their timely completion. Said orchestration refers to building a traceability of each investment project, that is, knowing the current status and the pending processes or activities until its completion, allowing it to have the main activities, milestones, deadlines and managers mapped, which would facilitate the monitoring of the fulfillment of activities and the coordination and articulation between the actors involved, whether public or private, for its timely completion and commissioning. Obtaining data from public computer applications will be carried out through the State Interoperability Platform - PIDE, a technological infrastructure that allows the electronic exchange of data between state entities. In addition, the application will have an alert system that will send text messages or emails to those involved who are responsible for carrying out activities related to the investment project, alerting them to any action that is about to expire, expired or of any situation of which has to take immediate action.
This innovation project addresses the problem of inopportunity in the execution of hospital investment projects, executed by the Ministry of Health through institutional cooperation agreements signed by the National Program of Investments in Health - PRONIS and the Regional and Local Governments. To do this, 06 investment projects that were being executed by PRONIS were analyzed and used as case studies; determining that the main factors that caused the delays in execution were: The limited technical capacity, management and coordination of the actors involved in the execution of investment projects, and the limited access to information for adequate monitoring, coordination in the planning and execution of investment projects. In such a situation, the Innovation Project "Web application called the Health Investment System - SISA, is proposed to improve the opportunity of executing health investment projects, executed by PRONIS", as a tool for "Orchestration" of data and information on existing public computer applications: Multi-Annual Investment Programming Module - MPMI, Integrated System of Financial Administration - SIAF, Integrated System of Administrative Management - SIGA, Electronic System of State Procurement - SEACE and the Monitoring System of Inversiones-SSI, that allows the adequate follow-up, coordination and articulation of the various actors involved in the management of public investment projects, in order to achieve their timely completion. Said orchestration refers to building a traceability of each investment project, that is, knowing the current status and the pending processes or activities until its completion, allowing it to have the main activities, milestones, deadlines and managers mapped, which would facilitate the monitoring of the fulfillment of activities and the coordination and articulation between the actors involved, whether public or private, for its timely completion and commissioning. Obtaining data from public computer applications will be carried out through the State Interoperability Platform - PIDE, a technological infrastructure that allows the electronic exchange of data between state entities. In addition, the application will have an alert system that will send text messages or emails to those involved who are responsible for carrying out activities related to the investment project, alerting them to any action that is about to expire, expired or of any situation of which has to take immediate action.
Salud pública--Política gubernamental--Perú, Inversiones públicas--Perú, Salud pública--Aspectos económicos--Perú, Política de salud--Perú
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