Estrategias de regulación emocional para favorecer el proceso de adaptación a la educación a distancia en niños y niñas de 3er grado de educación primaria en una institución educativa pública de Lima Metropolitana
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación surge de la necesidad de apoyar a los estudiantes de 3er.
grado de Educación Primaria, de una institución educativa pública de Lima Metropolitana, en
los procesos de adaptación a una nueva modalidad educativa, en este caso específico, la
educación a distancia, así aportar en su desenvolvimiento y desarrollo integral, a partir de sus
experiencias emocionales. La investigación tiene un enfoque cualitativo, de tipo investigaciónacción,
la cual tiene como objetivo general: demostrar la efectividad de la aplicación de
estrategias de regulación emocional en beneficio del proceso de adaptación a la educación a
distancia en los niños de 3er grado de educación primaria de una institución educativa de
Lima Metropolitana. Para alcanzarlo, se implementa un plan de acción durante un mes y
medio, que contempla 4 estrategias de regulación emocional las cuales se desarrollan desde
el descubrimiento, la autoconciencia y la validación de las emociones propias y de los demás
hasta la regulación adaptativa y expresión asertiva de lo que sienten. Las técnicas e
instrumentos de investigación utilizados son la observación y la entrevista, a través del diario
de campo y la guía de entrevista, respectivamente. De los hallazgos se destaca que las
estrategias de regulación emocional contribuyen en el proceso de adaptación a la educación
a distancia, ya que los participantes del estudio, a través de acciones, demostraron un mejor
desenvolvimiento en el contexto educativo, seguridad en sí mismos y una mejora en la gestión
de sus emociones, respecto del inicio de la implementación del plan de acción. Esto permite
concluir que la regulación emocional es una competencia que debe atenderse, desde edades
tempranas en el hogar y la escuela, dado que le permite adaptarse a cualquier reto y
desenvolverse con seguridad.
This research arises from the need to support 3rd grade students. degree of Primary Education, from a public educational institution in Metropolitan Lima, in the processes of adaptation to a new educational modality, in this specific case, distance education, contributing to their development and comprehensive development, based on their emotional experiences. The research has a qualitative approach, of an action-research type, which has the general objective: to demonstrate the effectiveness of the application of emotional regulation strategies to benefit the process of adaptation to distance education in children of 3rd grade of education primary school of an educational institution in Metropolitan Lima. To achieve this, an action plan is implemented for a month and a half, which includes 4 emotional regulation strategies which are developed from the discovery, self-awareness, and validation of one's own emotions and those of others to adaptive regulation and assertive expression of what they feel. The research techniques and instruments used are observation and interview, through the field diary and the interview guide, respectively. From the findings, it is highlighted that the emotional improvement strategies in the process of adaptation to distance education, since the study participants, through actions, demonstrated a better development in the educational context, self-confidence, and improvement in the management of their emotions, regarding the beginning of the implementation of the action plan. This allows us to conclude that emotional regulation is a competition that must be attended, from an early age at home and at school, since it allows them to adapt to any challenge and function safely.
This research arises from the need to support 3rd grade students. degree of Primary Education, from a public educational institution in Metropolitan Lima, in the processes of adaptation to a new educational modality, in this specific case, distance education, contributing to their development and comprehensive development, based on their emotional experiences. The research has a qualitative approach, of an action-research type, which has the general objective: to demonstrate the effectiveness of the application of emotional regulation strategies to benefit the process of adaptation to distance education in children of 3rd grade of education primary school of an educational institution in Metropolitan Lima. To achieve this, an action plan is implemented for a month and a half, which includes 4 emotional regulation strategies which are developed from the discovery, self-awareness, and validation of one's own emotions and those of others to adaptive regulation and assertive expression of what they feel. The research techniques and instruments used are observation and interview, through the field diary and the interview guide, respectively. From the findings, it is highlighted that the emotional improvement strategies in the process of adaptation to distance education, since the study participants, through actions, demonstrated a better development in the educational context, self-confidence, and improvement in the management of their emotions, regarding the beginning of the implementation of the action plan. This allows us to conclude that emotional regulation is a competition that must be attended, from an early age at home and at school, since it allows them to adapt to any challenge and function safely.
Emociones infantiles--Regulación, Educación a distancia--Perú, Educación primaria--Perú--Lima--Investigaciones
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