Cigarrillos Electrónicos: El poder de la publicidad comercial y un nuevo horizonte normativo
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El presente trabajo académico aborda la influencia de la publicidad comercial en
la percepción y expansión del mercado de cigarrillos electrónicos en el Perú. A
partir de un análisis integral, se identifican vacíos normativos en la regulación de
estos productos, enfatizando su impacto en la salud pública y en consumidores
pertenecientes a la población joven del país. Se evalúan estrategias publicitarias
en canales tradicionales, modernos y digitales, destacando cómo estas fomentan
el consumo y minimizan la percepción de riesgo. Además, se comparan marcos
regulatorios internacionales, proponiendo medidas normativas específicas para
el Perú que incluyan restricciones publicitarias y etiquetados con advertencias
claras. Para así poder brindar una propuesta normativa adecuada para nuestro
país que pueda cubrir integralmente la regulación de los cigarrillos electrónicos
que pueda llegar a ser implementada de manera adecuada, reduciendo así la
promoción y venta de estos productos nocivos para la salud.
This academic paper addresses the influence of commercial advertising on the perception and expansion of the electronic cigarette market in Peru. Based on a comprehensive analysis, regulatory gaps in the regulation of these products are identified, emphasizing their impact on public health and young consumers. Advertising strategies in traditional, modern and digital channels are evaluated, highlighting how they encourage consumption and minimize the perception of risk. In addition, international regulatory frameworks are compared, proposing specific regulatory measures for Peru that include advertising restrictions and labeling with clear warnings. In order to provide an adequate regulatory proposal for our country that can comprehensively cover the regulation of electronic cigarettes that can be adequately implemented, thus reducing the promotion and sale of these products harmful to health.
This academic paper addresses the influence of commercial advertising on the perception and expansion of the electronic cigarette market in Peru. Based on a comprehensive analysis, regulatory gaps in the regulation of these products are identified, emphasizing their impact on public health and young consumers. Advertising strategies in traditional, modern and digital channels are evaluated, highlighting how they encourage consumption and minimize the perception of risk. In addition, international regulatory frameworks are compared, proposing specific regulatory measures for Peru that include advertising restrictions and labeling with clear warnings. In order to provide an adequate regulatory proposal for our country that can comprehensively cover the regulation of electronic cigarettes that can be adequately implemented, thus reducing the promotion and sale of these products harmful to health.
Publicidad comercial--Perú, Protección del consumidor--Perú, Cigarrillos--Derecho y legislación--Perú