Manganese oxides in the onshore forearc pisco basin: Mineralogy, composition, and origin
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El emergente y exponencial crecimiento en el campo de las tecnologías avanzadas y "verdes"
contribuye a un aumento global en la demanda de materias primas críticas de origen mineral,
como lo son el manganeso y el cobalto. Los nódulos de manganeso han ganado reconocimiento
recientemente como fuentes potenciales de estos elementos y otras materias críticas. Sin
embargo, su presencia en los fondos marinos representa un dilema para los responsables
políticos debido a su ubicación, con frecuencia más allá de las zonas económicas exclusivas de
las naciones, y a las posibles amenazas de la minería submarina para los ecosistemas marinos
abisales. La presente tesis tiene como objetivo realizar una caracterización estratigráfica,
textural, mineralógica y composicional de los óxidos de Mn, incluidos los nódulos y
concreciones, recubrimientos y venillas en la cuenca onshore de antearco Pisco en Perú. Los
óxidos de manganeso son estratoligados y principalmente estratiformes —con la excepción de
venillas discordantes—, y se concentran sobretodo a lo largo de niveles de arenisca, limolita y
toba de las formaciones Chilcatay y Pisco. Es probable que capas masivas de anhidrita hayan
actuado como sello para los fluidos mineralizantes y, por lo tanto, pueden también haber
ejercido un control estratigráfico sobre la mineralización. Los óxidos de Mn constituyen tanto
el cemento de granos detríticos angulosos, así como también reemplazan restos de organismos
(diatomeas, turritelas, madera, otros) y/o el molde de los mismos en el substrato (icnofósiles).
Los análisis de roca total muestran un enriquecimiento en CoO (media = 0.21 wt%; hasta 0.80
wt%). Se distinguen dos tipos mineralógicos: criptomelano/hollandita y todorokita. Los
análisis de microsonda electrónica sugieren una predominancia de criptomelano sobre
hollandita, y muestran contenidos medios y máximos de CoO de 0.46 wt% y 2.64 wt%,
respectivamente. El control estratigráfico, las texturas de reemplazamiento biomórfico y la
mineralogía concuerdan con un origen diagenético de la mineralización de óxidos de Mn. La
descomposición de materia orgánica acoplada a la reducción de Mn y Fe, la consiguiente
concentración de estos elementos en el agua intersticial y la posterior circulación de fluidos
ricos en Mn a lo largo de estructuras (sistemas de fracturas y chimeneas) y niveles permeables
dio lugar a precipitación consecuente de los minerales antes mencionados, bajo condiciones
oxigenadas, probablemente relacionadas al levantamiento tectónico durante el Plioceno tardío
y la emersión consecuente de la cuenca Pisco Este. El enriquecimiento de cobalto en los óxidos
de Mn sigue siendo materia de interés. Tentativamente, podría atribuirse a la circulación de
fluidos originados en la zona de subducción, a través de rocas cercanas del basamento,
posiblemente enriquecidas en Co, o a la ubicación del área de estudio cerca al Nazca Drift
System, el cual influyó en la metalogénesis en los Andes. Esta tesis demuestra que los óxidos
de Mn de origen diagenético pueden representar una fuente potencial de Co.
The emerging and exponential growth of high- and green-technologies contribute to a global increase in the demand for critical raw materials of mineral origin, such as manganese and cobalt. Manganese nodules have recently gained recognition as potential sources of these and other critical commodities. However, their major occurrence in the deep seabed poses a dilemma for policy makers because of their location, often beyond nation’s exclusive economic zones, and potential threats of seabed mining to abyssal marine ecosystems. The present thesis aims to perform a stratigraphic, textural, mineralogical, and compositional characterization of Mn oxides, including nodules and concretions, coatings, and veins in the onshore forearc Pisco Basin in Peru. Manganese oxides are stratabound and primarily stratiform —with the exception of discordant veins—, and concentrate along levels of sandstone, siltstone, and tuff of both the Chilcatay and Pisco formations. Massive anhydrite beds probably acted as seals for mineralizing fluids and hence may have also exerted a stratigraphic control on the mineralization. The Mn oxides constitute the cement to angular detrital grains, and also fossilize remains of organisms (e.g., diatoms, turritellas, wood) and/or their molds in the substrate (i.e., ichnofossils). In bulk analyses, data reveal an enrichment in CoO (mean = 0.21 wt%; up to 0.80 wt%). Two mineralogical types are distinguished: cryptomelane/hollandite and todorokite. Electron probe microanalysis suggests a predominance of cryptomelane over hollandite, and yield mean and maximum CoO contents of 0.46 wt% and 2.64 wt%, respectively. The stratigraphic control, biomorphic replacement textures, and mineralogy accord with a diagenetic origin of the Mn oxide mineralization. The decay of organic matter coupled to Mn and Fe reduction, ensuing concentration of these elements in porewater, and subsequent circulation of Mn-rich fluids along structures (e.g., fracture systems, chimney-like structures) and permeable levels was followed by precipitation in renewed oxygenated conditions probably connected to the late Pliocene uplift and exposure of the East Pisco Basin. The Co enrichment in Mn oxides is still intriguing. Tentatively, it could be attributed to the circulation of subduction-water through basement rocks, possibly enriched in Co, or to the location of the study area by the Nazca Drift System, which influenced the metallogenesis in the Andes. This thesis demonstrates that Mn oxides of diagenetic origin may represent a potential source of Co.
The emerging and exponential growth of high- and green-technologies contribute to a global increase in the demand for critical raw materials of mineral origin, such as manganese and cobalt. Manganese nodules have recently gained recognition as potential sources of these and other critical commodities. However, their major occurrence in the deep seabed poses a dilemma for policy makers because of their location, often beyond nation’s exclusive economic zones, and potential threats of seabed mining to abyssal marine ecosystems. The present thesis aims to perform a stratigraphic, textural, mineralogical, and compositional characterization of Mn oxides, including nodules and concretions, coatings, and veins in the onshore forearc Pisco Basin in Peru. Manganese oxides are stratabound and primarily stratiform —with the exception of discordant veins—, and concentrate along levels of sandstone, siltstone, and tuff of both the Chilcatay and Pisco formations. Massive anhydrite beds probably acted as seals for mineralizing fluids and hence may have also exerted a stratigraphic control on the mineralization. The Mn oxides constitute the cement to angular detrital grains, and also fossilize remains of organisms (e.g., diatoms, turritellas, wood) and/or their molds in the substrate (i.e., ichnofossils). In bulk analyses, data reveal an enrichment in CoO (mean = 0.21 wt%; up to 0.80 wt%). Two mineralogical types are distinguished: cryptomelane/hollandite and todorokite. Electron probe microanalysis suggests a predominance of cryptomelane over hollandite, and yield mean and maximum CoO contents of 0.46 wt% and 2.64 wt%, respectively. The stratigraphic control, biomorphic replacement textures, and mineralogy accord with a diagenetic origin of the Mn oxide mineralization. The decay of organic matter coupled to Mn and Fe reduction, ensuing concentration of these elements in porewater, and subsequent circulation of Mn-rich fluids along structures (e.g., fracture systems, chimney-like structures) and permeable levels was followed by precipitation in renewed oxygenated conditions probably connected to the late Pliocene uplift and exposure of the East Pisco Basin. The Co enrichment in Mn oxides is still intriguing. Tentatively, it could be attributed to the circulation of subduction-water through basement rocks, possibly enriched in Co, or to the location of the study area by the Nazca Drift System, which influenced the metallogenesis in the Andes. This thesis demonstrates that Mn oxides of diagenetic origin may represent a potential source of Co.
Óxidos de manganeso, Nódulos de manganeso, Estratigrafía, Ríos--Perú--Pisco (Ica : Provincia)
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