La vivienda del movimiento moderno del S. XX en la ciudad de Arequipa como patrimonio vivo
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El objetivo de este trabajo de investigación es el poder develar el valor patrimonial que poseen
las viviendas del Movimiento Moderno del S.XX en la ciudad de Arequipa, ya que en la
actualidad muchos vestigios del Movimiento Moderno se encuentran en peligro por la falta
de protección formal que existe especialmente en este momento de la historia en que
estamos siendo testigos de cómo se habita el patrimonio moderno (patrimonio vivo). Una
situación que no ha sucedido antes, y que nos da la oportunidad de experimentar la
arquitectura con sus usos originales, pero que a la vez atenta contra la protección de esta por
la falta de valoración patrimonial de la misma. Esta investigación se realiza mediante el análisis
de tres casos de estudio, siendo estos La casa Lucioni, la casa Vidaurrázaga y finalmente la
casa Simmons, al ser viviendas del Movimiento Moderno que se encuentran en situaciones
diferentes, la primera como local alquilable para eventos y las otras dos manteniendo su uso
original. Además, el conocimiento de la arquitectura del Movimiento Moderno tiende a estar
muy centrado en la capital, por lo que es importante reconocer vestigios de esta corriente
arquitectónica en otras localidades y los valores que poseen.
The aim of this research work is to be able to reveal the patrimonial value that the houses of the Modern Movement of the XX century in the city of Arequipa, since at present many vestiges of the Modern Movement are in danger due to the lack of formal protection, especially at this moment in history when we are witnessing how modern heritage (living heritage) is inhabited. This situation has not happened before, and that gives us the opportunity to experience architecture with its original uses, but at the same time this threatens its protection due to the lack of heritage valuation of it. This investigation is carried out through the analysis of three case studies, these being the Lucioni house, the Vidaurrázaga house and finally the Simmons house, as they are Modern Movement houses that are in different situations, the first as a rentable venue for events and the other two maintaining their original use. In addition, knowledge of the architecture of the Modern Movement tends to be very focused on the capital, so it is important to recognize vestiges of this architectural trend in other locations and the values that they possess.
The aim of this research work is to be able to reveal the patrimonial value that the houses of the Modern Movement of the XX century in the city of Arequipa, since at present many vestiges of the Modern Movement are in danger due to the lack of formal protection, especially at this moment in history when we are witnessing how modern heritage (living heritage) is inhabited. This situation has not happened before, and that gives us the opportunity to experience architecture with its original uses, but at the same time this threatens its protection due to the lack of heritage valuation of it. This investigation is carried out through the analysis of three case studies, these being the Lucioni house, the Vidaurrázaga house and finally the Simmons house, as they are Modern Movement houses that are in different situations, the first as a rentable venue for events and the other two maintaining their original use. In addition, knowledge of the architecture of the Modern Movement tends to be very focused on the capital, so it is important to recognize vestiges of this architectural trend in other locations and the values that they possess.
Patrimonio arquitectónico--Perú--Arequipa, Viviendas--Arquitectura--Perú--Arequipa, Arquitectura--Siglo XX--Perú--Arequipa
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