Evolución de la identidad colectiva y conciencia política en feministas universitarias de Lima Metropolitana
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El objetivo general de la presente investigación consiste en explorar el desarrollo de la
conciencia política en feministas universitarias que forman parte de dos colectivas de Lima
Metropolitana, utilizando como eje de análisis la identidad colectiva; de manera específica,
busca explorar los orígenes y el desarrollo del proceso de identificación feminista e identificar
los beneficios y costos de ser parte de dichas colectivas. Para ello, se realizaron seis entrevistas,
analizadas bajo un diseño de análisis temático. De ello, resulta que la construcción de la
identidad feminista de las universitarias limeñas entrevistadas, es un proceso complejo que se
explica a través de abordajes conceptuales como el de los motivos identitarios de Vignoles et
al. (2006), modelo de las cinco fases de Dowling y Roush (1985), y el modelo para la Acción
Política de Sandoval y Soares Soares Da Silva (2016), teniendo como eje la identidad colectiva.
Del mismo modo, están presentes diferencias entre las colectivas universitarias, las cuales se
relacionan con características de la universidad, tendencias feministas y objetivos políticos. En
cuanto a los aportes, esta es una de las primeras investigaciones que aborda la identificación
feminista en Lima Metropolitana y logra proponer puntos en común entre los modelos teóricos
antes referidos.
The general objective of this research is to explore the development of political consciousness in university feminists who are part of two groups in Metropolitan Lima, using collective identity as the axis of analysis; Specifically, it seeks to explore the origins and development of the feminist identification process and identify the benefits and costs of being part of said collectives. For this, six interviews were conducted, analyzed under a thematic analysis design. From this, it turns out that the construction of the feminist identity of the interviewed university students from Lima is a complex process that is explained through conceptual approaches such as the identity motives of Vignoles et al. (2006), the model of the five phases of Dowling and Roush (1985), and the model for Political Action of Sandoval and Soares Da Silva (2016), having collective identity as the axis. In the same way, there are differences between the university collectives, which are related to characteristics of the university, feminist tendencies and political objectives. Regarding the contributions, this is one of the first investigations that addresses feminist identification in Metropolitan Lima and manages to propose common points between the aforementioned theoretical models.
The general objective of this research is to explore the development of political consciousness in university feminists who are part of two groups in Metropolitan Lima, using collective identity as the axis of analysis; Specifically, it seeks to explore the origins and development of the feminist identification process and identify the benefits and costs of being part of said collectives. For this, six interviews were conducted, analyzed under a thematic analysis design. From this, it turns out that the construction of the feminist identity of the interviewed university students from Lima is a complex process that is explained through conceptual approaches such as the identity motives of Vignoles et al. (2006), the model of the five phases of Dowling and Roush (1985), and the model for Political Action of Sandoval and Soares Da Silva (2016), having collective identity as the axis. In the same way, there are differences between the university collectives, which are related to characteristics of the university, feminist tendencies and political objectives. Regarding the contributions, this is one of the first investigations that addresses feminist identification in Metropolitan Lima and manages to propose common points between the aforementioned theoretical models.
Identidad colectiva, Feminismo, Identidad (Psicología), Identidad de grupo, Estudiantes universitarias--Perú--Lima Metropolitana
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