Informe de desarrollo de competencias en el área de Psicología de una Institución Educativa emblemática de Lima Metropolitana
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En el presente Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional se detallan las actividades realizadas
dentro del periodo de prácticas realizadas en una Institución Educativa Emblemática de Lima
Metropolitana, además de precisar el desarrollo de las competencias de perfil de egreso. La
población consta de estudiantes varones de segundo de secundaria (13-14 años
aproximadamente). Una de las problemáticas identificadas fueron las habilidades sociales
poco desarrolladas, lo que dificultaba la convivencia escolar, dado que se presentaban
situaciones como: acoso escolar, hostigamiento y discriminación. Como segunda
problemática, se identificó la predisposición de los estudiantes por reprimir las emociones y
pensamientos, generando ansiedad, desmotivación y dificultad para integrarse.
Se evaluaron las áreas de personalidad, inteligencia emocional e inteligencia, lo cual
permitió obtener un perfil aproximado del menor. Durante las sesiones de soporte emocional
se brindó estrategias para mejorar la autoestima, se resaltó la importancia de la validación
emocional, comunicación asertiva y establecimiento de límites. Se desarrolló una guía de
entrevista para cada estudiante, la cual era reestructurada dependiendo del tema; y además, se
creó una base de datos para colocar la información de las sesiones y hacer un mejor
seguimiento de los estudiantes. Durante las sesiones psicoeducativas se trabajaron temas
relacionados al cuidado de la salud mental, habilidades sociales y violencia escolar. Para
obtener la atención de los estudiantes, se trabajó con dinámicas “rompehielo” y normas
propuestas de manera conjunta.
Al finalizar, se mejoró la convivencia escolar y comunicación entre los estudiantes;
además, esta experiencia permitió desarrollar las competencias de la carrera de manera
satisfactoria y enriquecedora.
This document details the activities carried out within the internship period carried out within an Emblematic Educational Institution of Metropolitan Lima; in addition, it discloses the skills developed as part of the graduate profile. The population consists of second-year high school male students (approximately 13-14 years old). One of the problems identified was the underdeveloped social skills, which generated problems within school coexistence such as: bullying, harassment and discrimination. The second problem identified was the predisposition of students to repress emotions and thoughts, this fact generated anxiety, demotivation and difficulty to integrate in class. The areas of personality, emotional intelligence and intelligence were evaluated, which allowed obtaining an approximate profile of the student. During the emotional support sessions, the student was provided with strategies to improve his self-esteem, the importance of emotional validation, assertive communication and establishing limits was enhanced. An interview guide was developed for each student, which was restructured depending on the topic; besides that, a database was created to store all the session information and to better manage it. During the psychoeducational sessions, topics related to mental health care, social skills and school violence were worked on. To obtain the student’s attention, we worked with some strategies like: icebreaker dynamics and jointly proposed rules. At the end, the school coexistence and communication between students was improved; furthermore, this experience allowed me to develop the career skills in a satisfactory and enriching way.
This document details the activities carried out within the internship period carried out within an Emblematic Educational Institution of Metropolitan Lima; in addition, it discloses the skills developed as part of the graduate profile. The population consists of second-year high school male students (approximately 13-14 years old). One of the problems identified was the underdeveloped social skills, which generated problems within school coexistence such as: bullying, harassment and discrimination. The second problem identified was the predisposition of students to repress emotions and thoughts, this fact generated anxiety, demotivation and difficulty to integrate in class. The areas of personality, emotional intelligence and intelligence were evaluated, which allowed obtaining an approximate profile of the student. During the emotional support sessions, the student was provided with strategies to improve his self-esteem, the importance of emotional validation, assertive communication and establishing limits was enhanced. An interview guide was developed for each student, which was restructured depending on the topic; besides that, a database was created to store all the session information and to better manage it. During the psychoeducational sessions, topics related to mental health care, social skills and school violence were worked on. To obtain the student’s attention, we worked with some strategies like: icebreaker dynamics and jointly proposed rules. At the end, the school coexistence and communication between students was improved; furthermore, this experience allowed me to develop the career skills in a satisfactory and enriching way.
Formación profesional, Educación--Aspectos psicológicos--Perú--Lima Metropolitana, Escuelas--Perú--Lima Metropolitana, Violencia escolar--Perú--Lima Metropolitana, Pandemia de COVID-19, 2020- --Perú--Lima Metropolitana
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