Participación de la niñez indígena amazónica en su derecho a la salud sexual y reproductiva
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La participación de las niñas, niños, niñes y adolescentes en su salud sexual y reproductiva
es un derecho que encuentra la base de su obligación en múltiples instrumentos del derecho
internacional de los derechos humanos y también en el derecho interno peruano. La
obligación del Estado de reconocer y garantizar el derecho de participación en función de la
autonomía progresiva de la niñez y adolescencia debe desarrollarse en concordancia con la
Convención sobre los Derechos de la Niñez, en todo lo relacionado con su salud sexual y
reproductiva en los distintos aspectos en los que se desenvuelven, como los hogares, las
escuelas y las comunidades. El cumplimiento de estas obligaciones se hace estrictamente
necesario en contextos como la Amazonía peruana, en donde distintos factores regionales
(geográficos, económicos y socioculturales) deben ser tomados en cuenta por el Estado en
el desarrollo de sus políticas públicas, específicamente la pertenencia indígena de la niñez
y, consecuentemente, lo señalado por el Convenio 169 sobre Pueblos Indígenas y Tribales
en Países Independientes.
En ese orden de ideas, la presente tesis está orientada a estudiar el contenido jurídico en
función de los derechos de la niñez indígena en el contexto de la región Loreto, siendo esta
la región con mayor presencia de pueblos indígenas y preocupantes cifras relacionadas con
el embarazo en niñas y adolescentes mujeres y violencia sexual. Para ello, se presentará una
descripción interdisciplinaria y un análisis desde del enfoque de los derechos de la niñez y
de los pueblos indígenas, con el objetivo de esbozar una propuesta de estándar de derecho
humano, desafíos y recomendaciones a considerarse en el marco del diseño y ejecución de
una política pública.
The obligation of the State to recognize and guarantee the right of participation based on the progressive autonomy of children and adolescents must be developed in accordance with the Convention on the Rights of the Child, in everything related to their sexual and reproductive health in the different aspects in which they operate, such as homes, schools and communities. Compliance with these obligations is strictly necessary in contexts such as the Peruvian Amazon, where different regional factors (geographical, economic and sociocultural) must be taken into account by the State in the development of its public policies, specifically, the indigenous membership of childhood and, consequently, the provisions of Convention 169 on Indigenous and Tribal Peoples in Independent Countries. In that order of ideas, this thesis is aimed at studying the legal content based on the rights of indigenous children in the context of the Loreto region, this being the region with the highest presence of indigenous peoples and worrying figures related to pregnancy in girls and adolescents and sexual violence. For this, an interdisciplinary description and analysis from the approach of the rights of children and indigenous peoples will be presented, with the aim of outlining a proposal for a human right standard, challenges and recommendations to be considered within the framework of the design and implementation. of a public policy.
The obligation of the State to recognize and guarantee the right of participation based on the progressive autonomy of children and adolescents must be developed in accordance with the Convention on the Rights of the Child, in everything related to their sexual and reproductive health in the different aspects in which they operate, such as homes, schools and communities. Compliance with these obligations is strictly necessary in contexts such as the Peruvian Amazon, where different regional factors (geographical, economic and sociocultural) must be taken into account by the State in the development of its public policies, specifically, the indigenous membership of childhood and, consequently, the provisions of Convention 169 on Indigenous and Tribal Peoples in Independent Countries. In that order of ideas, this thesis is aimed at studying the legal content based on the rights of indigenous children in the context of the Loreto region, this being the region with the highest presence of indigenous peoples and worrying figures related to pregnancy in girls and adolescents and sexual violence. For this, an interdisciplinary description and analysis from the approach of the rights of children and indigenous peoples will be presented, with the aim of outlining a proposal for a human right standard, challenges and recommendations to be considered within the framework of the design and implementation. of a public policy.
Niños--Amazonía, Derechos sexuales y reproductivos--Perú
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