La estrategia de formulación de preguntas para promover la participación de estudiantes de cuarto grado de primaria durante sesiones sincrónicas de una institución educativa pública de Lima Metropolitana
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En tiempos de pandemia en los que la modalidad de educación a distancia asume un
rol importante para que la educación de los niños y niñas no se detenga, resulta
fundamental conocer estrategias didácticas que permitan seguir promoviendo el rol
protagónico de los estudiantes. Por tal motivo, este estudio se orienta a analizar la
aplicación de la estrategia de formulación de preguntas para promover la participación
de estudiantes de cuarto grado de primaria durante sesiones sincrónicas. Para ello, la
investigación tiene un enfoque cualitativo de tipo descriptivo, y aplica la observación y
la entrevista como técnicas de recojo de datos. Así, se tienen como hallazgos que la
docente pone en práctica la estrategia de formulación de preguntas de manera
sistemática, asumiendo distintos roles para garantizar la eficacia de la misma y para
promover la participación mayoritaria de sus estudiantes. Además, se evidencia las
formas y los medios de participación estudiantil que se impulsan a partir de la
aplicación de la estrategia, los cuales son responder preguntas de manera oral
principalmente haciendo uso de la videocámara y, sobre todo, del audio. A partir de
estos resultados, se recomienda, por ejemplo, impulsar la participación estudiantil,
mediante la estrategia en mención, haciendo uso de otros medios virtuales como el
chat o la aplicación Kahoot, así como plantear más preguntas para activar la reflexión
que, inclusive, podrían ser respondidas en grupos.
In times of pandemic in which the distance education modality assumes an important role so that the education of children does not stop, it is essential to know didactic strategies that allow to continue promoting the leading role of students. For this reason, this study is oriented to analyze the application of the strategy of formulating questions to promote the participation of fourth grade students during synchronous sessions. For this purpose, the research has a descriptive qualitative approach, and applies observation and interview as data collection techniques. Thus, the findings show that the teacher puts into practice the strategy of formulating questions in a systematic way, assuming different roles to guarantee its effectiveness and to promote the majority participation of her students. In addition, the forms and means of student participation that are promoted from the application of the strategy are evidenced, which are to answer questions orally, mainly using the video camera and, above all, audio. Based on these results, it is recommended, for example, to promote student participation, through the strategy mentioned, making use of other virtual media such as chat or the Kahoot application, as well as to pose more questions to activate reflection that could even be answered in groups.
In times of pandemic in which the distance education modality assumes an important role so that the education of children does not stop, it is essential to know didactic strategies that allow to continue promoting the leading role of students. For this reason, this study is oriented to analyze the application of the strategy of formulating questions to promote the participation of fourth grade students during synchronous sessions. For this purpose, the research has a descriptive qualitative approach, and applies observation and interview as data collection techniques. Thus, the findings show that the teacher puts into practice the strategy of formulating questions in a systematic way, assuming different roles to guarantee its effectiveness and to promote the majority participation of her students. In addition, the forms and means of student participation that are promoted from the application of the strategy are evidenced, which are to answer questions orally, mainly using the video camera and, above all, audio. Based on these results, it is recommended, for example, to promote student participation, through the strategy mentioned, making use of other virtual media such as chat or the Kahoot application, as well as to pose more questions to activate reflection that could even be answered in groups.
Métodos de enseñanza, Preguntas y respuestas, Educación a distancia, Educación virtual, Educación primaria--Perú--Lima Metropolitana
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