Identidad ingenieril y autoeficacia en mujeres universitarias de Lima Metropolitana
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación tuvo como propósito comprender cómo las experiencias vividas por
seis estudiantes de ingeniería se asocian con la formación de su identidad ingenieril y su sentido
de autoeficacia. Para llegar a ello, este estudio se sitúa desde un paradigma cualitativo con
postura fenomenológica y un diseño fenomenológico interpretativo. La muestra estuvo
conformada por seis estudiantes mujeres de ingeniería que cursaban entre séptimo y décimo
ciclo pertenecientes a tres universidades privadas de Lima Metropolitana. Se utilizó una guía
de entrevista a profundidad semi estructurada para recabar la información requerida. A partir
de ello, se halló que la identidad ingenieril y la autoeficacia, en las participantes del estudio,
pueden nutrirse a partir de diversas fuentes que provienen del entorno familiar, social y
universitario; y las experiencias escolares y universitarias. Así, en la medida que ellas tuvieron
experiencias escolares de dominio en cursos STEM y experiencias universitarias que les
permitieron conocer más su carrera, se sintieron más identificadas como ingenieras y más
capaces de ejercer este rol en el futuro. Asimismo, las participantes experimentaron un sentido
más sólido de su identidad ingenieril a l experimentar emociones agradables en sus vivencias
universitarias, percibir que sus logros eran reconocidos por compañeros y profesores, tener
referentes en esta área y sentirse parte de la comunidad.
The purpose of this research was to understand how the experiences ofsix engineering students are associated with the formation of their engineering identity and their sense of self-efficacy. To achieve this, this study is situated from a qualitative paradigm with a phenomenological stance and an interpretative phenomenological design. The sample consisted of six female engineering students between the seventh and tenth cycles from three private universities in Metropolitan Lima. A semi-structured in-depth interview guide was used to collect the required information. From this, it was found that the engineering identity and self-efficacy of the participants in the study can be nurtured from various sourcesthat come from the family, social and university environment; and school and university experiences. Thus, to the extent that they had school experiences of mastery in STEM courses and university experiences that allowed them to learn more about their career, they felt more identified as engineers and more capable of exercising this role in the future. Likewise, the participants experienced a stronger sense of their engineering identity by experiencing pleasant emotions in their university experiences, perceiving that their achievements were recognized by peers and professors, having references in this area and feeling part of the community.
The purpose of this research was to understand how the experiences ofsix engineering students are associated with the formation of their engineering identity and their sense of self-efficacy. To achieve this, this study is situated from a qualitative paradigm with a phenomenological stance and an interpretative phenomenological design. The sample consisted of six female engineering students between the seventh and tenth cycles from three private universities in Metropolitan Lima. A semi-structured in-depth interview guide was used to collect the required information. From this, it was found that the engineering identity and self-efficacy of the participants in the study can be nurtured from various sourcesthat come from the family, social and university environment; and school and university experiences. Thus, to the extent that they had school experiences of mastery in STEM courses and university experiences that allowed them to learn more about their career, they felt more identified as engineers and more capable of exercising this role in the future. Likewise, the participants experienced a stronger sense of their engineering identity by experiencing pleasant emotions in their university experiences, perceiving that their achievements were recognized by peers and professors, having references in this area and feeling part of the community.
Estudiantes universitarios--Investigaciones--Perú--Lima, Ingeniería--Estudio y enseñanza (Superior)--Perú--Lima, Autoeficacia, Identidad de grupo
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