El derecho a la defensa en la imputación de sanciones disciplinarias distintas al despido
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El presente trabajo académico tiene como propósito realizar un análisis crítico y
empírico sobre la falta de regulación de los procedimientos para imponer
sanciones disciplinarias distintas al despido. Bajo este enfoque, se analiza la
naturaleza de la amonestación escrita y la suspensión sin goce de haberes como
principales medidas disciplinarias impuestas por el empleador para sancionar a
los trabajadores, las cuales no cuentan con un procedimiento regulado por ley a
diferencia del despido por causa justa.
De esta manera, se evidencia una necesidad de regulación ante la posible
afectación del derecho a la defensa, que se acredita toda vez que los
empleadores no establecen un procedimiento para que los trabajadores emitan
sus descargos luego de recibir una imputación por la presunta comisión de una
infracción o falta que contraviene una obligación en el marco de la relación
El presente trabajo resalta la necesidad de regular este vacío legislativo a partir
de las experiencias de los trabajadores en el Perú, así como el tratamiento
normativo en el Derecho Comparado. Por tales motivos, ante la ausencia de la
regulación en el Perú, se propone una propuesta legislativa para garantizar el
derecho a la defensa en los procedimientos de sanciones disciplinarias distintas
al despido.
The purpose of this academic work is to make a critical and empirical analysis of the lack of regulation of procedures to impose disciplinary sanctions other than dismissal. Under this approach, the nature of written reprimands and suspension without pay are analyzed as the main disciplinary measures imposed by the employer to punish employees, which do not have a procedure regulated by law unlike dismissal for just cause. In this way, a need for regulation is evident in the face of the possible impact on the right to defense, which is proven every time that employers do not establish a procedure for employees to issue their defenses after receiving an accusation for the alleged commission of a crime. infraction or fault that contravenes an obligation within the framework of the employment relationship. This work highlights the need to regulate this legislative vacuum based on the experiences of employees in Peru, as well as the regulatory treatment in Comparative Law. For these reasons, in the absence of regulation in Peru, a legislative proposal is proposed to guarantee the right to defense in disciplinary sanction procedures other than dismissal.
The purpose of this academic work is to make a critical and empirical analysis of the lack of regulation of procedures to impose disciplinary sanctions other than dismissal. Under this approach, the nature of written reprimands and suspension without pay are analyzed as the main disciplinary measures imposed by the employer to punish employees, which do not have a procedure regulated by law unlike dismissal for just cause. In this way, a need for regulation is evident in the face of the possible impact on the right to defense, which is proven every time that employers do not establish a procedure for employees to issue their defenses after receiving an accusation for the alleged commission of a crime. infraction or fault that contravenes an obligation within the framework of the employment relationship. This work highlights the need to regulate this legislative vacuum based on the experiences of employees in Peru, as well as the regulatory treatment in Comparative Law. For these reasons, in the absence of regulation in Peru, a legislative proposal is proposed to guarantee the right to defense in disciplinary sanction procedures other than dismissal.
Despido de empleados--Perú, Sanciones administrativas--Legislación--Perú., Derecho laboral--Perú, Trabajadores
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