Participación del sindicato como agente disuasor del cumplimiento laboral del empleador frente a la fuerza punitiva de Sunafil
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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En el presente artículo se analizará la interacción entre las organizaciones
sindicales y la autoridad inspectiva del trabajo, destacando la función crucial que
asumen los primeros como agentes de vigilancia y promoción del cumplimiento
de las normativas laborales en los centros de trabajo, para detectar posibles
incumplimientos o irregularidades que podrían pasar desapercibidos sin su
Al involucrarse con las actividades diarias como trabajadores, compartiendo sus
mismos intereses y necesidades, están en una posición que les permite
identificar infracciones por parte del empleador que supongan una afectación a
sus derechos laborales. De allí que pueden ser un aliado importante porque
desempeñan un rol activo en la promoción de una cultura de cumplimiento,
fomentando el respeto por los derechos laborales a través de la sensibilización
y formación de tanto trabajadores como empleadores sobre las obligaciones
legales que ambos deben cumplir.
Po su parte, en ánimo de colaboración, la autoridad inspectiva de trabajo toma
conocimiento a través de las denuncias interpuestas por los sindicatos, lo cual
atendiendo al ius imperium como dominio emanado del estado, cumpla con su
función de perseguir las conductas infractoras y sancionarlas; no obstante,
aplicando el enfoque preventivo, al demostrar un esfuerzo genuino por rectificar
los errores y aplicando el principio de oportunidad, lo que se busca no es
sancionar indiscriminadamente, sino fortalecer la confianza en el sistema de
inspección laboral e incentivar a los empleadores a adoptar medidas preventivas
y correctivas de manera diligente.
In this article, the interaction between labor unions and the labor inspection authority will be analyzed, highlighting the crucial role that unions assume as agents of oversight and promotion of compliance with labor regulations in workplaces. Their involvement helps identify possible violations or irregularities that might go unnoticed without their intervention. By engaging in daily activities as workers and sharing the same interests and needs, they are in a position to identify employer violations that affect workers' labor rights. Thus, unions can be important allies, actively promoting a culture of compliance and fostering respect for labor rights through raising awareness and educating both workers and employers about the legal obligations that each must fulfill. For its part, in the spirit of collaboration, the labor inspection authority is informed of violations through complaints filed by unions. Leveraging ius imperium as state-derived authority, it fulfills its function of pursuing and sanctioning violations. However, with a preventive approach, demonstrating a genuine effort to rectify errors and applying the principle of opportunity, the aim is not to impose indiscriminate sanctions but to strengthen trust in the labor inspection system and encourage employers to adopt preventive and corrective measures diligently.
In this article, the interaction between labor unions and the labor inspection authority will be analyzed, highlighting the crucial role that unions assume as agents of oversight and promotion of compliance with labor regulations in workplaces. Their involvement helps identify possible violations or irregularities that might go unnoticed without their intervention. By engaging in daily activities as workers and sharing the same interests and needs, they are in a position to identify employer violations that affect workers' labor rights. Thus, unions can be important allies, actively promoting a culture of compliance and fostering respect for labor rights through raising awareness and educating both workers and employers about the legal obligations that each must fulfill. For its part, in the spirit of collaboration, the labor inspection authority is informed of violations through complaints filed by unions. Leveraging ius imperium as state-derived authority, it fulfills its function of pursuing and sanctioning violations. However, with a preventive approach, demonstrating a genuine effort to rectify errors and applying the principle of opportunity, the aim is not to impose indiscriminate sanctions but to strengthen trust in the labor inspection system and encourage employers to adopt preventive and corrective measures diligently.
Sindicatos y seguridad social--Perú, Inspección de trabajo--Perú, Relaciones laborales--Perú, Derecho laboral--Perú
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