Satisfacción laboral y satisfacción con la vida en trabajadores de Lima Metropolitana
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación tiene como objetivo analizar la relación entre la satisfacción laboral y la satisfacción con la vida, con el fin de determinar las características laborales que deberían estar presentes en el trabajo para propiciar el bienestar de las personas. Para ello, se recurrió al uso de escalas que miden la satisfacción laboral y la satisfacción con la vida, las mismas que fueron aplicadas a 90 trabajadores de una institución del rubro de salud de Lima Metropolitana. Los resultados hallados muestran una correlación positiva entre la satisfacción con la vida y el factor “un buen lugar para trabajar” de la satisfacción laboral. Este factor abarca tres indicadores: “capacitación para trabajar bien”, “un ambiente de trabajo limpio y bonito” y “compañeros de trabajo organizados y cordiales”. Al respecto, la capacitación fortalece la autoeficacia y facilita el logro de metas, mientras que un ambiente de trabajo con buenas condiciones físicas transmite un mensaje favorable y permite trabajar con menor estrés. Asimismo, el contar con apoyo de los compañeros de trabajo permite la generación de relaciones sociales que dan significado y sentido de pertenencia, así como protege del estrés. Todo ello favorecería una mayor satisfacción con la vida. Finalmente, los resultados hallados aportarían a la investigación, dada la escasez de estudios que traten el tema de la satisfacción con la vida en el ámbito laboral y en el contexto peruano.
This research aims to analyze the relationship between job satisfaction and life satisfaction in order to determine the workplace characteristics that should be present to promote well-being. To that end, scales of job satisfaction and life satisfaction were applied to 90 workers of a health care institution of Lima. The obtained results show a positive correlation between life satisfaction and the factor "a good place to work" of the job satisfaction scale. This factor includes three indicators: "training to work well", "a clean and nice work environment" and "organized and friendly colleagues”. In this regard, training activities strengthen self-efficacy and facilitate goal achievement while a work environment with good physical conditions sends a positive message and enables people to work with low stress. Also, having support from colleagues allows the generation of social relationships that give meaning and sense of belonging, and protect against stress. All of it would promote life satisfaction. Finally, the obtained results contribute to the research area, given the reduced number of studies on the topic of life satisfaction in the workplace and at the Peruvian context.
This research aims to analyze the relationship between job satisfaction and life satisfaction in order to determine the workplace characteristics that should be present to promote well-being. To that end, scales of job satisfaction and life satisfaction were applied to 90 workers of a health care institution of Lima. The obtained results show a positive correlation between life satisfaction and the factor "a good place to work" of the job satisfaction scale. This factor includes three indicators: "training to work well", "a clean and nice work environment" and "organized and friendly colleagues”. In this regard, training activities strengthen self-efficacy and facilitate goal achievement while a work environment with good physical conditions sends a positive message and enables people to work with low stress. Also, having support from colleagues allows the generation of social relationships that give meaning and sense of belonging, and protect against stress. All of it would promote life satisfaction. Finally, the obtained results contribute to the research area, given the reduced number of studies on the topic of life satisfaction in the workplace and at the Peruvian context.
Satisfacción en el trabajo, Satisfacción con la vida, Trabajadores--Perú.
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