Metodología para definir estrategias de reducción de gases de efecto invernadero (GEI) en el proceso de espárrago congelado del Perú
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El cambio climático constituye uno de los desafíos más críticos del siglo XXI,
afectando a todos los sectores económicos, especialmente aquellos que
dependen de recursos naturales, como la agroindustria. En Perú, la agroindustria
no solo es crucial para la economía nacional, sino que también representa una
fuente significativa de emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero (GEI). Este
estudio presenta el desarrollo de una metodología integral para la reducción de
GEI en el sector agroindustrial peruano, enfocándose en la adaptación al cambio
climático y el cumplimiento de objetivos empresariales.
La investigación se estructura en cinco capítulos. El primer capítulo introduce el
problema, justifica su relevancia, define los objetivos del estudio y describe la
metodología empleada. El segundo capítulo ofrece una revisión exhaustiva de la
literatura sobre gases de efecto invernadero (GEI), procesos agroindustriales, y
diversas estrategias para la mitigación de emisiones, incluyendo la eficiencia
energética, el uso de energías renovables, y la gestión de residuos. También se
abordan las barreras, desafíos y oportunidades en la implementación de
sistemas de reducción de GEI.
El tercer capítulo se dedica al desarrollo de la metodología, describiendo las
variables y criterios de evaluación, y elaborando una matriz que facilita la
selección de las estrategias más efectivas. El cuarto capítulo presenta los
resultados del estudio, evaluando el nivel de incidencia de las variables
seleccionadas, y realizando un análisis detallado por principios y enfoques. El
quinto capítulo desarrolla un caso de estudio en planta de proceso de espárrago
congelado, y, finalmente, el sexto capítulo concluye con los principales hallazgos
de la investigación y ofrece recomendaciones prácticas para la implementación
de la metodología desarrollada en el sector agroindustrial peruano.
Climate change constitutes one of the most critical challenges of the 21st century, affecting all economic sectors, especially those that depend on natural resources, such as agribusiness. In Peru, agribusiness is not only crucial to the national economy, but also represents a significant source of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. This study presents the development of a comprehensive methodology for GHG reduction in the Peruvian agroindustrial sector, focusing on adaptation to climate change and compliance with business objectives. The research is structured in five chapters. The first chapter introduces the problem, justifies its relevance, defines the objectives of the study and describes the methodology used. The second chapter offers a comprehensive review of the literature on GHG, agroindustrial processes, and various strategies for emissions mitigation, including energy efficiency, the use of renewable energy, and waste management. Barriers, challenges and opportunities in the implementation of GHG reduction systems are also addressed. The third chapter is dedicated to the development of the methodology, describing the variables and evaluation criteria, and developing a results matrix "M" that facilitates the selection of the most effective strategies. The fourth chapter presents the results of the study, evaluating the level of incidence of the selected variables, and carrying out a detailed analysis by principles and approaches. The fifth chapter develops a case study in a frozen asparagus processing plant, and, finally, the sixth chapter concludes with the main findings of the research and offers practical recommendations for the implementation of the methodology developed in the Peruvian agroindustrial sector.
Climate change constitutes one of the most critical challenges of the 21st century, affecting all economic sectors, especially those that depend on natural resources, such as agribusiness. In Peru, agribusiness is not only crucial to the national economy, but also represents a significant source of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. This study presents the development of a comprehensive methodology for GHG reduction in the Peruvian agroindustrial sector, focusing on adaptation to climate change and compliance with business objectives. The research is structured in five chapters. The first chapter introduces the problem, justifies its relevance, defines the objectives of the study and describes the methodology used. The second chapter offers a comprehensive review of the literature on GHG, agroindustrial processes, and various strategies for emissions mitigation, including energy efficiency, the use of renewable energy, and waste management. Barriers, challenges and opportunities in the implementation of GHG reduction systems are also addressed. The third chapter is dedicated to the development of the methodology, describing the variables and evaluation criteria, and developing a results matrix "M" that facilitates the selection of the most effective strategies. The fourth chapter presents the results of the study, evaluating the level of incidence of the selected variables, and carrying out a detailed analysis by principles and approaches. The fifth chapter develops a case study in a frozen asparagus processing plant, and, finally, the sixth chapter concludes with the main findings of the research and offers practical recommendations for the implementation of the methodology developed in the Peruvian agroindustrial sector.
Reducción de gases de efecto invernadero--Perú, Espárragos--Industria y comercio--Perú, Cambios climáticos--Perú