Relaciones entre la Ideología Política, el Sexismo Ambivalente y los Estereotipos de Masculinidad Tradicional
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En la presente investigación se analizó la relación entre la ideología política, el sexismo
ambivalente y los estereotipos de masculinidad tradicional a través de una muestra de 201
estudiantes y graduados universitarios de Lima Metropolitana Para ello se evaluó el
autoritarismo de Ala Derecha (RWA), la Orientación a la Dominancia Social (SDO), el
Sexismo Hostil, el Sexismo Benevolente y el estereotipo de masculinidad a través de una prueba
ad hoc. Esta investigación muestra una relación directa entre el RWA y el Sexismo Benevolente
y el Sexismo Hostil, así como con el Estereotipo de Masculinidad Tradicional. Asimismo, pone
en evidencia que las diferencias obtenidas entre hombres y mujeres en estos constructos fueron
significativas y de magnitudes pequeñas y medianas.
This article analyzes the relationship between political ideology, ambivalent sexism and traditional masculinity stereotype in a sample of students and university graduates from the city of Lima. In that matter, the following aspects were evaluated: Right-Wing Autoritarism (RWA), Social Dominance Orientation (SDO), Hostile Sexism, Benevolent Sexism and the traditional masculinity stereotype through an ad hoc instrument. The results show that there is a direct relationship between the RWA, Ambivalent Sexism and the Traditional Masculinity stereotype. Also, it demonstrates that the differences between men and women are not only significant but of small and medium magnitude.
This article analyzes the relationship between political ideology, ambivalent sexism and traditional masculinity stereotype in a sample of students and university graduates from the city of Lima. In that matter, the following aspects were evaluated: Right-Wing Autoritarism (RWA), Social Dominance Orientation (SDO), Hostile Sexism, Benevolent Sexism and the traditional masculinity stereotype through an ad hoc instrument. The results show that there is a direct relationship between the RWA, Ambivalent Sexism and the Traditional Masculinity stereotype. Also, it demonstrates that the differences between men and women are not only significant but of small and medium magnitude.
Masculinidad, Sexismo, Género, Sexo (Psicología)
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