Wico: sistema didáctico que impulsa las relaciones asertivas en familias limeñas de NSE C y B conformadas por padres de 35 a 50 años e hijos adolescentes mediante la gestión de roles, el bienestar emocional y la orientación familiar
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En Lima Metropolitana, la convivencia familiar se ve afectada por conflictos internos
que se manifiestan en agresiones físicas y verbales, lo cual trae consecuencias que
van desde la baja autoestima hasta incluso el suicidio. La causa de dichos conflictos
radica en la metodología convencional basada en la imposición, premios y castigos,
sin explicaciones claras, sin comunicación y sin la búsqueda del bienestar de todos.
Para abordar el problema mencionado, se evaluaron conceptos como el diseño para el
cambio de comportamiento, la gamificación, estilos de crianza, habilidades blandas,
entre otros. En numerosos países, se han planteado diversas soluciones como juegos
de mesa y productos digitales para lograr el cumplimiento de los quehaceres del
hogar, y kits para lograr el bienestar y desarrollo emocional. Sin embargo, no existe
una convergencia entre el área emocional y el área educativa (cumplimiento de
actividades, crianza, etc). Es por esto que se propone “Wico”, un sistema didáctico
compuesto por un servicio web, un juego (físico y digital) y una comunidad en redes
sociales que busca impulsar las relaciones asertivas en familias limeñas mediante la
convergencia de ambas áreas. Para ello, se realizaron estudios inductivos con
padres/madres que tuvieran al menos un hijo adolescente y que residieran con él. Así
mismo, se realizaron estudios de conceptualización con expertos y los usuarios para
definir aspectos técnicos y estéticos de la propuesta. Finalmente se realizaron estudios
para validar el diseño y usabilidad, en los que se obtuvo como resultado una respuesta
positiva e interés por parte de los usuarios hacia la propuesta.
In Lima, family life is affected by internal conflicts that are manifested in physical and verbal aggression, which has consequences such as low self-esteem and even suicide. The cause of these conflicts lies in the conventional methodology based on imposition, rewards and punishments, without clear explanations, without communication and without the search for the well-being of all. To address this problem, concepts such as design for behavior change, gamification, parenting styles, soft skills, among others, were evaluated. In many countries, various solutions have been proposed, such as board games and digital products to accomplish household chores, and kits to achieve well-being and emotional development. However, there is no convergence between the emotional area and the educational area (completion of activities, parenting, etc). This is why "Wico" is proposed: a didactic system composed of a web service, a game (physical and digital) and a community on social media that seeks to promote assertive relationships in Lima families through the convergence of both areas. For this, inductive studies were carried out with parents who had at least one teen child. Likewise, conceptualization studies were carried out with experts and users to define technical and aesthetic aspects of the proposal. Finally, studies were carried out to validate the design and usability, in which a positive response and interest from users towards the proposal was obtained.
In Lima, family life is affected by internal conflicts that are manifested in physical and verbal aggression, which has consequences such as low self-esteem and even suicide. The cause of these conflicts lies in the conventional methodology based on imposition, rewards and punishments, without clear explanations, without communication and without the search for the well-being of all. To address this problem, concepts such as design for behavior change, gamification, parenting styles, soft skills, among others, were evaluated. In many countries, various solutions have been proposed, such as board games and digital products to accomplish household chores, and kits to achieve well-being and emotional development. However, there is no convergence between the emotional area and the educational area (completion of activities, parenting, etc). This is why "Wico" is proposed: a didactic system composed of a web service, a game (physical and digital) and a community on social media that seeks to promote assertive relationships in Lima families through the convergence of both areas. For this, inductive studies were carried out with parents who had at least one teen child. Likewise, conceptualization studies were carried out with experts and users to define technical and aesthetic aspects of the proposal. Finally, studies were carried out to validate the design and usability, in which a positive response and interest from users towards the proposal was obtained.
Juegos educativos--Diseño y construcción, Violencia familiar--Perú--Lima, Bienestar social--Perú--Lima