Plan financiero empresarial Banco Internacional del Perú SAA - Interbank
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente plan financiero tiene como objetivo incrementar el valor patrimonial
de Interbank mediante la implementación de iniciativas financieras sostenibles en el
corto y largo plazo. Para ello, se analiza el sector identificando las principales variables
financieras y no financieras que lo dinamizan, como los competidores, riesgos del
mercado, efectos financieros por cambios regulatorios, tendencias y expectativas. A
partir de este análisis se concluye que la industria financiera es atractiva y competitiva,
presenta un crecimiento sostenible y está relacionado directamente con el crecimiento
económico del país.
Interbank se posiciona como el cuarto banco más importante del país. Su
estrategia comercial está orientada al segmento personas y tiene como ventaja
competitiva contar con la red de cajeros más grande del Sistema Financiero Peruano.
Dentro de sus objetivos estratégicos es ser líder en el mercado de tarjeta de crédito y
productos personales, optimizar la eficiencia operativa, mejorar la calidad del servicio y
mantenerse en el Great Place to Work.
En la primera etapa del planeamiento financiero se valoriza Interbank,
obteniendo un resultado superior en 35% al valor de mercado. Posteriormente, se define
el plan financiero sobre la base de los lineamientos estratégicos, tales como mejorar el
ratio de eficiencia y lograr un crecimiento saludable de la cartera; además de cumplir los
requerimientos regulatorios establecidos por el Comité de Basilea y la Superintendencia
de Banca, Seguros y AFP. La implementación de este plan genera mayor valor a sus
accionistas mediante un crecimiento sostenible y rentable, además de cumplir con sus
objetivos estratégicos
This financial plan is intended to increase the equity value of Interbank by implementing sustainable financial initiatives in a short and long term. To achieve this result, the Peruvian financial sector has been analyzed to identify major financial and non-financial variables that promote it, such as competitors, market risks, financial impact due to regulatory changes, industry trends and expectations for next years. From this analysis, it is concluded that the Peruvian financial industry is attractive and competitive; it has a sustainable growth and it is directly related to the economic growth of Peru. Interbank is the fourth most important bank in Peru. Its commercial strategy is focused on retail segment and its competitive advantage is supported by having the largest ATM network in the financial sector. Interbank strategic objectives are to be the leader in credit card and personal loans, optimize operational efficiency, improve service quality and be in the annual ranking of Great Place to Work. In the first part of the financial planning, Interbank is valued, obtaining a price action that is 35% higher than the market value. Subsequently, the financial plan is based on strategic objectives, such as improving the efficiency ratio and achieving a healthy portfolio growth; meeting regulatory requirements set by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision and the Peruvian Superintendence of banking, insurance and private pension. The implementation of this plan creates more value to its shareholders through sustainable and profitable growth, in addition to satisfying its strategic objectives
This financial plan is intended to increase the equity value of Interbank by implementing sustainable financial initiatives in a short and long term. To achieve this result, the Peruvian financial sector has been analyzed to identify major financial and non-financial variables that promote it, such as competitors, market risks, financial impact due to regulatory changes, industry trends and expectations for next years. From this analysis, it is concluded that the Peruvian financial industry is attractive and competitive; it has a sustainable growth and it is directly related to the economic growth of Peru. Interbank is the fourth most important bank in Peru. Its commercial strategy is focused on retail segment and its competitive advantage is supported by having the largest ATM network in the financial sector. Interbank strategic objectives are to be the leader in credit card and personal loans, optimize operational efficiency, improve service quality and be in the annual ranking of Great Place to Work. In the first part of the financial planning, Interbank is valued, obtaining a price action that is 35% higher than the market value. Subsequently, the financial plan is based on strategic objectives, such as improving the efficiency ratio and achieving a healthy portfolio growth; meeting regulatory requirements set by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision and the Peruvian Superintendence of banking, insurance and private pension. The implementation of this plan creates more value to its shareholders through sustainable and profitable growth, in addition to satisfying its strategic objectives
Bancos -- Perú, Instituciones financieras -- Perú, Planificación estratégica
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