Informe de experiencia en el área de atracción y selección en la dirección de gestión humana de una empresa privada
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente informe tiene como finalidad lograr describir y analizar los logros de
aprendizaje alcanzados en las competencias profesionales diagnóstica, interviene y evalúa
durante el periodo de prácticas preprofesionales realizados en una empresa privada de
Lima Metropolitana. El periodo de Práctica Pre Profesional ha permitido al estudiante
analizar las situaciones organizacionales ocurrentes en la empresa privada para a partir
de ello plantear actividades buscando una solución a ello. Para lograr plantear estas
actividades, en primera instancia, se realizó un diagnóstico general del área de atracción
y selección, para luego profundizar en las entrevistas utilizadas durante el proceso de
reclutamiento y selección, y en la inducción al personal para darles la bienvenida a la
empresa y al puesto. Para realizar la intervención, se analizó el proceso de reclutamiento
y selección actual, en comparación a la revisión teórica explicada. Para realizar la
evaluación, se profundizó en cómo se desarrollaron las actividades, y cómo ello se
evidencia en los niveles de calidad de los procesos de gestión humana. Los resultados de
estas actividades demuestran que se logró generar una búsqueda más acertada para la
posición utilizando una guía de entrevista por competencias, y los resultados de la
inducción se denotan positivos a través de la incorporación exitosa del colaborador.
The present research aims to describe and analyze the learning achievements achieved in the diagnostic professional competencies, intervenes, and evaluates during the period of pre-professional practices carried out in a private company in Metropolitan Lima. The Pre-Professional Practice period has allowed the student to analyze the organizational situations that occur in the private company to plan activities seeking a solution to it. To propose these activities, in the first instance, a general diagnosis of the area of attraction and selection was made, to later delve into the interviews used during the recruitment and selection process, and in the induction of staff to welcome them to the company and to the post. To carry out the intervention, the current recruitment and selection process was analyzed, in comparison to the theoretical review explained. To carry out the evaluation, they delved into how the activities were developed, and how this is evidenced in the quality levels of the human management processes. The results of these activities demonstrate that it was possible to generate a more accurate search for the position using an interview guide by competencies, and the induction results are denoted positive through the successful incorporation of the collaborator.
The present research aims to describe and analyze the learning achievements achieved in the diagnostic professional competencies, intervenes, and evaluates during the period of pre-professional practices carried out in a private company in Metropolitan Lima. The Pre-Professional Practice period has allowed the student to analyze the organizational situations that occur in the private company to plan activities seeking a solution to it. To propose these activities, in the first instance, a general diagnosis of the area of attraction and selection was made, to later delve into the interviews used during the recruitment and selection process, and in the induction of staff to welcome them to the company and to the post. To carry out the intervention, the current recruitment and selection process was analyzed, in comparison to the theoretical review explained. To carry out the evaluation, they delved into how the activities were developed, and how this is evidenced in the quality levels of the human management processes. The results of these activities demonstrate that it was possible to generate a more accurate search for the position using an interview guide by competencies, and the induction results are denoted positive through the successful incorporation of the collaborator.
Selección de personal, Administración de recursos humanos
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