Factores asociados a la satisfacción laboral del profesorado de una universidad pública y una privada de Lima Metropolitana
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El docente universitario invierte gran parte de su vida en el contexto laboral, y en ello
radica la importancia de estudiar su satisfacción laboral. Este estudio consta de dos
fases. La primera involucra una revisión sistemática cuyo objetivo es identificar los
diseños metodológicos de estudios sobre la satisfacción laboral en docentes
universitarios. Las bases de datos bibliográficas fueron Proquest y Redalyc, de las
que luego de aplicar los criterios de inclusión y exclusión se analizan 49 artículos
publicados (2000-2016). Los principales resultados demuestran que hay un interés
creciente en la temática y el enfoque de investigación más frecuente es el
cuantitativo. Asimismo, predomina la adaptación de los instrumentos de recolección
en comparación con los instrumentos elaborados por los propios autores. Se
concluye que existen diversas formas de realizar el diseño metodológico. La segunda
fase implica un estudio empírico cuyo objetivo es determinar los principales factores
que configuran la satisfacción laboral del profesorado de una universidad pública y
de una universidad privada ubicadas en Lima Metropolitana. Tiene un enfoque
cuantitativo con diseño transversal no experimental y de alcance correlacional con
una muestra de 98 docentes ordinarios. Los resultados demuestran que el
reconocimiento, las condiciones del trabajo, el logro, la compensación y las
oportunidades de promoción se asocian con la satisfacción laboral, mientras que el
grupo etario, sexo, formación académica y categoría laboral no se asocian con ella.
Además, se evidencia que no existe diferencia entre los niveles de satisfacción
laboral del profesorado de ambas universidades. Finalmente, se proponen
sugerencias para mejorar los niveles de satisfacción laboral del profesorado
universitario. El aporte del estudio radica en la revisión sistemática metodológica que
cubre un vacío de conocimiento del objeto de estudio y en la comprobación empírica
de las hipótesis planteadas con ayuda de un cuestionario multidimensional adaptado,
válido y confiable.
Professors invest a large part of their lives in the work context, which is why it is important to study their job satisfaction. This study consists of two phases. The first involves a systematic review aimed at identifying the methodological designs of studies on job satisfaction among university teachers. The bibliographic databases were Proquest and Redalyc, from which, after applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 49 published articles (2000-2016) were analyzed. The main results show that there is a growing interest in the subject and the most frequent research approach is quantitative. Likewise, the adaptation of collection instruments predominates compared to instruments developed by the authors themselves. It is concluded that there are various ways of carrying out the methodological design. The second phase involves an empirical study whose objective is to determine the main factors that shape the job satisfaction of the teaching staff of a public university and a private university located in Metropolitan Lima. It has a quantitative approach with a nonexperimental cross-sectional design and correlational scope with a sample of 98 regular professors. The results show that recognition, working conditions, achievement, compensation and promotion opportunities are associated with job satisfaction, while age group, sex, academic training and job category are not associated with it. In addition, it is evident that there is no difference between the levels of job satisfaction of the faculty of both universities. Finally, suggestions are proposed to improve the levels of job satisfaction of professors. The contribution of the study lies in the systematic methodological review that fills a gap in knowledge of the object of study and in the empirical testing of the hypotheses raised with the help of an adapted, valid and reliable multidimensional questionnaire.
Professors invest a large part of their lives in the work context, which is why it is important to study their job satisfaction. This study consists of two phases. The first involves a systematic review aimed at identifying the methodological designs of studies on job satisfaction among university teachers. The bibliographic databases were Proquest and Redalyc, from which, after applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 49 published articles (2000-2016) were analyzed. The main results show that there is a growing interest in the subject and the most frequent research approach is quantitative. Likewise, the adaptation of collection instruments predominates compared to instruments developed by the authors themselves. It is concluded that there are various ways of carrying out the methodological design. The second phase involves an empirical study whose objective is to determine the main factors that shape the job satisfaction of the teaching staff of a public university and a private university located in Metropolitan Lima. It has a quantitative approach with a nonexperimental cross-sectional design and correlational scope with a sample of 98 regular professors. The results show that recognition, working conditions, achievement, compensation and promotion opportunities are associated with job satisfaction, while age group, sex, academic training and job category are not associated with it. In addition, it is evident that there is no difference between the levels of job satisfaction of the faculty of both universities. Finally, suggestions are proposed to improve the levels of job satisfaction of professors. The contribution of the study lies in the systematic methodological review that fills a gap in knowledge of the object of study and in the empirical testing of the hypotheses raised with the help of an adapted, valid and reliable multidimensional questionnaire.
Satisfacción en el trabajo--Evaluación, Profesores universitarios--Perú--Estudio de casos, Universidades--Administración--Perú
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