“Cada persona está predestinada a encontrar ese ser especial”: Mitos del amor romántico y violencia psicológica en adolescentes de la ciudad de Huacho
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo general explorar las concepciones de los mitos del
amor romántico y la violencia psicológica en un grupo de adolescentes de 14 a 16 años de la
ciudad de Huacho. Para poder recoger dicha información, se realizó un estudio cualitativo a
través de un diseño fenomenológico, ya que se buscaba conocer las perspectivas de los y las
adolescentes acerca de los mitos del amor romántico y la violencia psicológica. Entre los
principales resultados destacan que los y las adolescentes aún mantienen enraizados los mitos del
amor romántico, específicamente el de la media naranja, la exclusividad y el de los celos. Esto
los y las sitúa en una situación de vulnerabilidad, puesto que naturalizan la dependencia
emocional, el control y los celos dentro de las relaciones de pareja, lo cual dificulta que las
reconozcan como manifestaciones de violencia psicológica. Además, se evidenció un notable
desconocimiento sobre la violencia psicológica, pues perciben sus manifestaciones como
expresiones de amor y la consideran como un tipo de violencia menos grave que la física debido
a que sus consecuencias no son visibles.
The present research aimed to explore the presence of myths of romantic love and conceptions of psychological violence in a group of teenagers between 14 and 16 years of age living in the city of Huacho. In order to compile this information, a qualitative study with a phenomenological approach was carried out, since the aim was to know about the teenager’s perspectives on myths of romantic love and psychological violence. The results show that teenagers still keep the myths of romantic love, mainly those of the better half, exclusivity and jealousy. This places them in a situation of vulnerability, because they, normalize emotional dependence, control and jealousy within relationships, which makes it difficult for them to recognize them as manifestations of psychological violence. Furthermore, it became evident that there is widespread ignorance about psychological violence; on the other hand, it is perceived as an expression of love, or else, it is considered a less serious type of violence than physical violence due to its less visible consequences.
The present research aimed to explore the presence of myths of romantic love and conceptions of psychological violence in a group of teenagers between 14 and 16 years of age living in the city of Huacho. In order to compile this information, a qualitative study with a phenomenological approach was carried out, since the aim was to know about the teenager’s perspectives on myths of romantic love and psychological violence. The results show that teenagers still keep the myths of romantic love, mainly those of the better half, exclusivity and jealousy. This places them in a situation of vulnerability, because they, normalize emotional dependence, control and jealousy within relationships, which makes it difficult for them to recognize them as manifestations of psychological violence. Furthermore, it became evident that there is widespread ignorance about psychological violence; on the other hand, it is perceived as an expression of love, or else, it is considered a less serious type of violence than physical violence due to its less visible consequences.
Amor--Aspectos psicológicos, Violencia de pareja, Psicología del adolescente
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