Promoción de la educación intercultural mediante la interacción docente-alumnos de primaria en Lima Metropolitana
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La escuela es claramente reconocida como un espacio ideal para que se desarrollen
interacciones entre las personas. Es en el reconocimiento de la escuela como espacio
de socialización donde la educación intercultural puede ser promovida de manera
clara durante los momentos de aprendizaje ante la diversidad cultural de los alumnos.
De esta manera, el docente asume un rol clave como promotor de esta educación
intercultural para el trabajo con sus estudiantes. En ese sentido, se realizó esta
investigación de carácter cualitativo y de tipo descriptivo cuyo eje es la promoción de
la educación intercultural mediante las interacciones docente-alumnos. La
fundamentación se sustenta en las categorías relacionadas a la educación
intercultural y la interacción docente-alumnos que promueve la educación intercultural.
Asimismo, se dispone de la información recabada por la entrevista semiestructurada
aplicada a una docente de quinto grado de primaria y las observaciones no
participativas realizadas a tres sesiones de clase. Los resultados evidencian que hay
una relación entre los conocimientos de la docente sobre la educación intercultural y
lo que ella refleja en sus interacciones con sus estudiantes ya que se basa en lo que
ha investigado y la importancia que le da para poder tenerlo presente en los
contenidos y actividades de clase. En conclusión, se pone de manifiesto que las
interacciones de la docente con sus estudiantes pueden poner en práctica los aportes
de la educación intercultural en un contexto escolar.
The school is clearly recognized as an ideal space for develop interactions between people. It's in the recognition of the school as a socialization space where intercultural education can be clearly promoted during the learning moments in the face of the cultural diversity of the students. In this way, the teacher assumes a key role as a promoter of this intercultural education for work with their students. In this sense, this qualitative and descriptive research was carried out whose axis is the promotion of intercultural education through teacher-student interactions. The foundation is based on the categories related to intercultural education and the teacher-student interaction promoted by intercultural education. Likewise, the information collected by the semi structured interview applied to a fifth-grade primary school teacher and the non participatory observations made to three class sessions are available. The results show that there is a relationship between the teacher's knowledge about intercultural education and what she reflects in her interactions with her students, since it is based on what she has researched and the importance she gives to it in order to keep it in mind in the contents. and class activities. In conclusion, it is shown that the interactions of the teacher with her students can put into practice the contributions of intercultural education in a school context.
The school is clearly recognized as an ideal space for develop interactions between people. It's in the recognition of the school as a socialization space where intercultural education can be clearly promoted during the learning moments in the face of the cultural diversity of the students. In this way, the teacher assumes a key role as a promoter of this intercultural education for work with their students. In this sense, this qualitative and descriptive research was carried out whose axis is the promotion of intercultural education through teacher-student interactions. The foundation is based on the categories related to intercultural education and the teacher-student interaction promoted by intercultural education. Likewise, the information collected by the semi structured interview applied to a fifth-grade primary school teacher and the non participatory observations made to three class sessions are available. The results show that there is a relationship between the teacher's knowledge about intercultural education and what she reflects in her interactions with her students, since it is based on what she has researched and the importance she gives to it in order to keep it in mind in the contents. and class activities. In conclusion, it is shown that the interactions of the teacher with her students can put into practice the contributions of intercultural education in a school context.
Educación intercultural, Interculturalidad, Estudiantes y maestros--Relaciones, Educación primaria--Perú--Lima Metropolitana, Diversidad cultural
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