Regulando la autorregulación: educación privada y sus implicancias para el acceso equitativo y de calidad
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El artículo analiza cómo la autorregulación de las instituciones educativas
privadas influye en el cumplimiento del derecho universal a una educación básica
regular, equitativa y de calidad. Se argumenta que, si bien las escuelas privadas
desempeñan un papel importante en la oferta educativa, su autonomía y falta de
supervisión estatal efectiva pueden generar desigualdades en el acceso y la
calidad de la educación. En primer lugar, se procederá a identificar el marco
teórico, definiendo los conceptos fundamentales que permitirán analizar el papel
que desempeñan las instituciones educativas privadas en el Perú.
Posteriormente, se desarrollará la normativa vigente que regula dichas
entidades. Finalmente, se presentará un análisis crítico orientado a proponer
cómo debería estructurarse la regulación actual, con el objetivo de optimizar su
funcionamiento y alinearla con las necesidades y objetivos del sistema educativo
peruano. Para optimizar la regulación de las instituciones educativas privadas en
el Perú, resulta esencial implementar un enfoque integral que asegure la calidad,
equidad y accesibilidad en el acceso a la educación. En este contexto, se
propone el fortalecimiento del marco normativo, la implementación de
mecanismos eficaces de supervisión y fiscalización, la promoción de políticas
orientadas a la equidad, el fomento de la transparencia en la gestión institucional
y la participación activa de la comunidad educativa en la formulación y evaluación
de dichas políticas.
The article analyses how self-regulation of private educational institutions influences the fulfilment of the universal right to regular, equitable and quality basic education. It argues that, although private schools play an important role in the provision of education, their autonomy and lack of effective state supervision can generate inequalities in access to and quality of education. First, the theoretical framework will be identified, defining the fundamental concepts that will allow us to analyse the role played by private educational institutions in Peru. Subsequently, the current regulations that govern these entities will be developed. Finally, a critical analysis will be presented aimed at proposing how the current regulation should be structured, with the aim of optimising its operation and aligning it with the needs and objectives of the Peruvian educational system. To optimise the regulation of private educational institutions in Peru, it is essential to implement a comprehensive approach that ensures quality, equity and accessibility in access to education. In this context, the proposals are to strengthen the regulatory framework, implement effective monitoring and oversight mechanisms, promote equity-oriented policies, foster transparency in institutional management and actively involve the educational community in the formulation and evaluation of these policies.
The article analyses how self-regulation of private educational institutions influences the fulfilment of the universal right to regular, equitable and quality basic education. It argues that, although private schools play an important role in the provision of education, their autonomy and lack of effective state supervision can generate inequalities in access to and quality of education. First, the theoretical framework will be identified, defining the fundamental concepts that will allow us to analyse the role played by private educational institutions in Peru. Subsequently, the current regulations that govern these entities will be developed. Finally, a critical analysis will be presented aimed at proposing how the current regulation should be structured, with the aim of optimising its operation and aligning it with the needs and objectives of the Peruvian educational system. To optimise the regulation of private educational institutions in Peru, it is essential to implement a comprehensive approach that ensures quality, equity and accessibility in access to education. In this context, the proposals are to strengthen the regulatory framework, implement effective monitoring and oversight mechanisms, promote equity-oriented policies, foster transparency in institutional management and actively involve the educational community in the formulation and evaluation of these policies.
Igualdad en la educación--Perú, Calidad en la educación--Perú, Política educativa--Perú, Educación--Legislación--Perú