El fact checking como respuesta a la desinformación en procesos electorales: estrategias de producción y difusión en Twitter. Casos Red Ama Llulla y Verificado 2018
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La crisis política e incertidumbre en las elecciones peruanas del 2021 hicieron de estas un
caldo de cultivo para la desinformación. En ese escenario, el periodismo impulsó su rol de
informar con veracidad a través del fact checking, y Ama Llulla surgió para desmentir la
desinformación viral en torno a la contienda; sin embargo, no logró un impacto masivo como
el proyecto mexicano Verificado 2018, su referente en la región. Frente a ello, esta
investigación identifica, describe y analiza las estrategias de producción y difusión en Twitter
que influenciaron en el impacto diferenciado de Ama Llulla y Verificado 2018. Ello a través
de entrevistas a profundidad a integrantes de los proyectos aludidos, y un análisis del
contenido de difusión en Twitter durante los procesos electorales de México en 2018 y Perú
en 2021. Los resultados, luego de aplicar los criterios de análisis del marketing viral,
muestran que la estrategia de difusión en un proyecto de fact checking es tan importante
como la rigurosidad de su metodología. También, la necesidad de un equipo de difusión
especializado en redes sociales dentro de las redacciones de fact checking, pues contrario a
Ama Llulla, Verificado 2018 contó con community managers que explotaron la potencial
viralidad de las verificaciones a través de copys, formatos audiovisuales y otras estrategias de
difusión. Asimismo, se evidencia la relevancia de promover y participar de una constante
interacción en las redes sociales de fact checking, permitiendo la creación de una comunidad
sólida presta a amplificar la llegada de las verificaciones.
The political crisis and uncertainty in the 2021 Peruvian elections turned them into a breeding ground for disinformation. In this scenario, journalism promoted its role of reporting truthfully through fact-checking, and Ama Llulla emerged to deny the viral misinformation surrounding the contest; however, it did not achieve a massive impact like the Mexican project Verificado 2018, its benchmark in the region. Faced with this, this research identifies, describes and analyzes the production and dissemination strategies on Twitter that influenced the differentiated impact of Ama Llulla and Verificado 2018. This was done through in-depth interviews with members of the aforementioned projects, and an analysis of the dissemination content on Twitter during the electoral processes of Mexico in 2018 and Peru in 2021. The results, after applying the viral marketing analysis criteria, show that the dissemination strategy in a fact-checking project is as important as the rigor of his methodology. Also, the need for a dissemination team specialized in social networks within the fact-checking newsrooms, because unlike Ama Llulla, Verificado 2018 had community managers who exploded the potential virality of the verifications through copies, audiovisual formats and other dissemination strategies. Likewise, the relevance of promoting and participating in a constant interaction in fact checking social networks is evident, allowing the creation of a solid community ready to amplify the arrival of verifications.
The political crisis and uncertainty in the 2021 Peruvian elections turned them into a breeding ground for disinformation. In this scenario, journalism promoted its role of reporting truthfully through fact-checking, and Ama Llulla emerged to deny the viral misinformation surrounding the contest; however, it did not achieve a massive impact like the Mexican project Verificado 2018, its benchmark in the region. Faced with this, this research identifies, describes and analyzes the production and dissemination strategies on Twitter that influenced the differentiated impact of Ama Llulla and Verificado 2018. This was done through in-depth interviews with members of the aforementioned projects, and an analysis of the dissemination content on Twitter during the electoral processes of Mexico in 2018 and Peru in 2021. The results, after applying the viral marketing analysis criteria, show that the dissemination strategy in a fact-checking project is as important as the rigor of his methodology. Also, the need for a dissemination team specialized in social networks within the fact-checking newsrooms, because unlike Ama Llulla, Verificado 2018 had community managers who exploded the potential virality of the verifications through copies, audiovisual formats and other dissemination strategies. Likewise, the relevance of promoting and participating in a constant interaction in fact checking social networks is evident, allowing the creation of a solid community ready to amplify the arrival of verifications.
Desinformación, Noticias falsas--Estudio de casos, Medios de comunicación de masas--Aspectos políticos--Perú, Redes sociales en línea
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