«La revolución va por dentro»: estrategias del yo en La casa de cartón de Martín Adán
Angulo Flores, Militza Blanca
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El objetivo de esta tesis es analizar los mecanismos que utiliza el sujeto de La
casa de cartón, de Martín Adán, para criticar, pero también para evadir y
sobrevivir al proyecto modernizador de la Patria Nueva en la ciudad.
El primer capítulo tendrá en cuenta el contexto económico, político y social en el
que fue producida esta obra, para, sobre esta base, indagar cómo los recursos
que emplea este sujeto, que identificamos con el narrador, lo posicionan
críticamente frente a las conservadoras clases media y alta que pueblan los
distritos de Lima y Barranco, así como frente al represivo aparato estatal de los
últimos años del Oncenio de Augusto B. Leguía.
En los capítulos segundo y tercero explicaremos cómo, a través de un proceso
de carnavalización, este sujeto viandante se relaciona con el mundo exterior: si
en el segundo capítulo vemos cómo este se distancia de la naturaleza y la
sociedad mediante los mecanismos de humanización y reificación, en el tercero
demostraremos cómo solo a partir de una toma de conciencia de su propia
enajenación es posible entender su comunión solidaria con los hombres y la
En consecuencia, aunque ni en la novela ni en el contexto histórico en que fue
escrita haya habido una transformación de la estructura capitalista, sí ocurre una
revolución al interior del sujeto, que le permite establecer relaciones libres
consigo mismo, los seres, las cosas y la naturaleza, con lo que recupera, en
palabras de Marx, su «ser social».
The aim of this thesis is to analyze the mechanisms used by the subject from La casa de cartón, by Martín Adán, to criticize, as well as to elude and survive the modernizing project of Patria Nueva in the city. The first chapter will take into account the economic, political and social context in which this novel was produced, in order, on this basis, to investigate how the resources used by this subject, whom we identify with the narrator, position him critically against the conservative middle and upper classes that live in the districts of Lima and Barranco, as well as against the repressive state apparatus of the last years of the Augusto B. Leguía’s Oncenio. In the second and third chapters we will explain how, through a process of carnivalization, this traveling subject interacts with the outside world: if in the second chapter we see how he distances himself from nature and society through the mechanisms of humanization and caricaturization, in the third we will show how only through an awareness of his own alienation becomes possible to understand his communion in solidarity with men and nature. Consequently, although neither in the novel or in the historical context in it was written there has been a transformation of the capitalist structure, a revolution does occur within the subject, which allows him to establish free relationships with himself, beings, things and nature, thereby recovering, in Marx's words, his «social being».
The aim of this thesis is to analyze the mechanisms used by the subject from La casa de cartón, by Martín Adán, to criticize, as well as to elude and survive the modernizing project of Patria Nueva in the city. The first chapter will take into account the economic, political and social context in which this novel was produced, in order, on this basis, to investigate how the resources used by this subject, whom we identify with the narrator, position him critically against the conservative middle and upper classes that live in the districts of Lima and Barranco, as well as against the repressive state apparatus of the last years of the Augusto B. Leguía’s Oncenio. In the second and third chapters we will explain how, through a process of carnivalization, this traveling subject interacts with the outside world: if in the second chapter we see how he distances himself from nature and society through the mechanisms of humanization and caricaturization, in the third we will show how only through an awareness of his own alienation becomes possible to understand his communion in solidarity with men and nature. Consequently, although neither in the novel or in the historical context in it was written there has been a transformation of the capitalist structure, a revolution does occur within the subject, which allows him to establish free relationships with himself, beings, things and nature, thereby recovering, in Marx's words, his «social being».
Martín Adán, 1908-1985. La casa de cartón, Clases sociales--Perú--Lima, Interacción social--Perú, Perú--Condiciones sociales--1918-
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