Generalización en el uso de casillas electrónicas: solución práctica al problema de la falta de eficiencia en la gestión de notificación los actos administrativos emitidos por la SUTRAN, Región Lima, al año 2022
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El presente trabajo de investigación se avocará en las alternativas de solución respecto del problema
en la gestión de notificación, y la consecuencia de ello, la ineficacias de los actos administrativos,
principalmente en la virtualización de los canales para los tramite documentarios, plataformas
interactivas de atención así como mesa de partes virtuales, por cuanto procedimientos administrativos
manuales y/o presenciales son lentos y asincrónicos, muchos de estos se han venido gestionando de
manera personal, presencial, y en papel, no pudiendo superar esta brecha utilizando recursos digitales
y en línea, siendo esto una demora en la agilización de trámites administrativos; asimismo, los
defectos respecto a la notificación manual de las actas de notificación personal los tramites y/o
documentos similares, y así, evitar una carga social y económica en cuanto al tiempo y dinero
invertido por parte de los administrados. Siendo que la digitalización de canales de atención como las
mesas de partes digitales, permitirán aligerar la carga procedimental, por un lado, y por el otro agilizar
los trámites administrativos en beneficio del usuario, generando así transparencia y confianza de parte
del administrado hacia la entidad. obteniendo decisiones administrativas que logren su finalidad,
sancionar de manera real, y a su vez que los administrados obtengan una decisión administrativa y
motivada, pudiendo participar de manera activa en un procedimiento administrativo sancionador,
controlando los plazos procedimentales tanto para presentación de documentos y descargos, como
para la emisión de decisiones administrativas.
This research work will focus on the alternative solutions to the problem of notification management, and the consequence of this, the ineffectiveness of administrative acts, mainly in the virtualization of the channels for document processing, interactive platforms for attention as well as virtual desk of parts, as manual and/or face-to-face administrative procedures are slow and asynchronous, many of these have been managed in person, in person, and on paper, not being able to overcome this gap by using digital and online resources, being this a delay in the streamlining of administrative procedures; Likewise, the defects with respect to the manual notification of the personal notification acts of the proceedings and/or similar documents, and thus, avoid a social and economic burden in terms of time and money invested by the administered. The digitization of service channels such as the digital parts desks will lighten the procedural burden, on the one hand, and on the other streamline administrative procedures for the benefit of the user, thus generating transparency and confidence on the part of the administered towards the entity, obtaining administrative decisions that achieve their purpose, sanctioning in a real way, and in turn that the administered obtain an administrative and motivated decision, being able to actively participate in an administrative sanctioning procedure, controlling the procedural deadlines for the presentation of documents and discharges, as well as for the issuance of administrative decisions.
This research work will focus on the alternative solutions to the problem of notification management, and the consequence of this, the ineffectiveness of administrative acts, mainly in the virtualization of the channels for document processing, interactive platforms for attention as well as virtual desk of parts, as manual and/or face-to-face administrative procedures are slow and asynchronous, many of these have been managed in person, in person, and on paper, not being able to overcome this gap by using digital and online resources, being this a delay in the streamlining of administrative procedures; Likewise, the defects with respect to the manual notification of the personal notification acts of the proceedings and/or similar documents, and thus, avoid a social and economic burden in terms of time and money invested by the administered. The digitization of service channels such as the digital parts desks will lighten the procedural burden, on the one hand, and on the other streamline administrative procedures for the benefit of the user, thus generating transparency and confidence on the part of the administered towards the entity, obtaining administrative decisions that achieve their purpose, sanctioning in a real way, and in turn that the administered obtain an administrative and motivated decision, being able to actively participate in an administrative sanctioning procedure, controlling the procedural deadlines for the presentation of documents and discharges, as well as for the issuance of administrative decisions.
Procedimiento administrativo--Jurisprudencia--Perú, Derecho procesal administrativo--Perú, Notificación (Derecho), Internet en la administración pública--Perú
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