Experiencias relacionales de docentes de primaria con sus estudiantes en virtualidad durante la pandemia por COVID-19
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación tiene por objetivo conocer cómo han sido las experiencias
relacionales de docentes de primaria con sus estudiantes en la virtualidad a causa de la
pandemia por COVID-19. Para ello, se realizó un estudio cualitativo con un diseño de casos
múltiples, en el cual participaron dos docentes de escuela primaria que laboran en el mismo
centro educativo privado de Lima Metropolitana, con los que se llevaron a cabo dos
encuentros. En el primero, se realizó una entrevista semi estructurada y en el segundo se
aplicó la entrevista del Paradigma de Anécdotas Relacionales (RAP) (Luborsky, 1998).
Posteriormente se realizó un análisis temático deductivo-inductivo a partir de las categorías
propuestas por el método CCRT-Lu-S Como resultado se encontraron dos configuraciones
relacionales particulares correspondientes al primer participante (“CR1: Lo justo y lo
correcto” y “CR2: Sostener con presencia y límites”) y tres a la segunda participante (“CR1:
Necesidad de que me crean”, “CR2: Apoyo de los demás” y “CR3: Mejorando a través del
vínculo”). En cuanto al primero, se encontró que sus configuraciones relacionales habrían
mantenido semejantes antes y durante la virtualidad de la pandemia, mientras que la segunda
participante habría realizado un cambio en su manera de relacionarse a partir de dicha
experiencia. Los cambios realizados por ambos participantes difieren entre sí: el primero
ajustó estrategias formales y frecuencia, mientras que la segunda sí incorporó un cambio en la
manera en que organiza sus vínculos. Se concluye que pasar por la experiencia de la
virtualidad de la pandemia y las dificultades que conlleva, hizo necesarios cambios en los
vínculos de los participantes en su relación consigo mismos y sus estudiantes, pero que
dichos cambios tuvieron un balance positivo para ellos.
The objective of this research is to understand the relational experiences of primary school teachers with their students in virtual learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic. To achieve this, a qualitative study was conducted with a multiple case design, in which two primary school teachers from the same private educational center in Lima participated in two meetings. In the first meeting, a semi-structured interview was conducted and in the second meeting, the Relational Anecdotes Paradigm (RAP) interview (Luborsky, 1998) was applied. Then, a deductive-inductive thematic analysis was carried out based on the categories proposed by the CCRT-Lu-S method. The results showed two particular relational configurations for the first participant ("CR1: Fairness and Correctness" and "CR2: Holding with Presence and Limits") and three for the second participant ("CR1: Need for Belief", "CR2: Support from Others" and "CR3: Improving Through Bonding"). It was found that the relational configurations of the first participant remained similar before and during virtual learning, while the second participant made a change in her way of relating after the experience. The adjustments made by both participants differ in that the first adjusted formal strategies and frequency, while the second incorporated a change in the way she organizes her relationships. It is concluded that going through the experience of virtual learning during the pandemic and the difficulties that come with it, made change necessary in the participants' relationships with themselves and their students, but that these changes had a positive balance for them.
The objective of this research is to understand the relational experiences of primary school teachers with their students in virtual learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic. To achieve this, a qualitative study was conducted with a multiple case design, in which two primary school teachers from the same private educational center in Lima participated in two meetings. In the first meeting, a semi-structured interview was conducted and in the second meeting, the Relational Anecdotes Paradigm (RAP) interview (Luborsky, 1998) was applied. Then, a deductive-inductive thematic analysis was carried out based on the categories proposed by the CCRT-Lu-S method. The results showed two particular relational configurations for the first participant ("CR1: Fairness and Correctness" and "CR2: Holding with Presence and Limits") and three for the second participant ("CR1: Need for Belief", "CR2: Support from Others" and "CR3: Improving Through Bonding"). It was found that the relational configurations of the first participant remained similar before and during virtual learning, while the second participant made a change in her way of relating after the experience. The adjustments made by both participants differ in that the first adjusted formal strategies and frequency, while the second incorporated a change in the way she organizes her relationships. It is concluded that going through the experience of virtual learning during the pandemic and the difficulties that come with it, made change necessary in the participants' relationships with themselves and their students, but that these changes had a positive balance for them.
Educación virtual, Formación profesional de maestros, COVID-19 (Enfermedad)--Aspectos educativos--Perú, COVID-19 (Enfermedad)--Aspectos psicológicos--Perú, Personal docente--Aspectos psicológicos--Perú
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