Estudio de enfoque etnográfico sobre la cultura organizacional en una pequeña empresa familiar de Lima
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo describir y analizar los elementos
implicados en la cultura organizacional de una pequeña empresa familiar limeña, teniendo
como modelo teórico comprensivo los niveles de la cultura organizacional planteados
por Schein (2004). Se planteó un diseño de enfoque etnográfico que permitió obtener una
primera aproximación a la cultura de la organización por medio de las observaciones de
prácticas comunes en los colaboradores que se plasmaron en diarios de campo. Se
encontraron dos categorías principales con las cuales se puede analizar la cultura de la
organización: “Artefactos asociados al Orden” y “Artefactos asociados a las
Interacciones”, que, a su vez, fueron subdivididas en aspectos más concretos y
observables para dar cuenta de los artefactos y posteriormente de los valores
organizacionales. Los resultados evidencian contradicciones entre el discurso de lo que
los colaboradores entienden de su propia cultura organizacional y lo que la práctica
muestra, permitiendo así reflexionar sobre el nivel de los presupuestos básicos,
planteados por la teoría de Schein que guía la reflexión teórica del estudio.
The objective of this research was to describe and analyze the elements involved in the organizational culture of a small family business in Lima, taking as a theoretical and comprehensive model the levels of organizational culture proposed by Schein (2004). An ethnographic approach design was proposed that allowed us to obtain a first approximation to the culture of the organization through observations of common practices in the collaborators that were expressed in field notes. Two main categories were found with which the organization's culture can be analyzed: "Order" and "Interactions", which, in turn, were subdivided into more concrete and observable aspects to account for the artifacts and later for the values organizational. The results show contradictions between the discourse of what the collaborators understand of their own organizational culture and what the practice shows, allowing to reflect on the level of the basic budget, proposed by the Schein theory that guides the theoretical reflection of the study.
The objective of this research was to describe and analyze the elements involved in the organizational culture of a small family business in Lima, taking as a theoretical and comprehensive model the levels of organizational culture proposed by Schein (2004). An ethnographic approach design was proposed that allowed us to obtain a first approximation to the culture of the organization through observations of common practices in the collaborators that were expressed in field notes. Two main categories were found with which the organization's culture can be analyzed: "Order" and "Interactions", which, in turn, were subdivided into more concrete and observable aspects to account for the artifacts and later for the values organizational. The results show contradictions between the discourse of what the collaborators understand of their own organizational culture and what the practice shows, allowing to reflect on the level of the basic budget, proposed by the Schein theory that guides the theoretical reflection of the study.
Cultura corporativa, Empresas familiares--Perú--Lima, Psicología social
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